polyp id

  1. GothFishKeeper

    What is this polyp looking thing?

    A couple weeks ago I added a half pound piece of live rock to my nano as an island for the mushroom I’m planning on adding. Today I noticed this really small thing that looks kind of like a polyp on the rock near a hole. Any idea what it could be? There’s also a similar looking one towards the...
  2. FchriReefID

    Help ID this polyps hitchhiker

    Hello, I need help to id this hitchhiker! I bought a colony of discosoma mushrooms a while back and I notice colony of polyp-like hitchhiker beside the mushrooms. Some of the mushrooms that close to the polyps kinda shrunken.
  3. reses12

    Polyp ID Needed!

    Hey reefers! Anyone know what this is and how to destroy it?? Iker