polyp bail out

  1. ExpatFish

    LPS / Polyp Bailout

    Have lost a hammer and kryptonite coral to polyp bailout in the past 2-3 months. Now noticing my Duncan is starting to retract… I pulled it to move to my hospital tank today and had a look at it and looks to have something growing on it (see yellow covering body in picture). anyone seen this...
  2. T

    Polyp Bailout

    I just had a hammer coral bailout it’s only head and I’m so sad. I realized I placed it in too high of a flow area and when I went to move it l, the polyp flew off. my parameters are: Salinity: 1.025 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0.10 KH: 8.2 Temp: 78.9 PH: 8.2 ca: 380 Mg: 1440 It’s a 40...
  3. Michelle B

    Wall Hammer spewing

    Hello, I've had a wall hammer one month. It's been doing fine and the rest of the tank but suddenly my wall is closed up on one end and he is spewing brown stringy stuff. My parameters are ammonia 0, nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, alk 8.2, PH 8.2, phosphates 0.16, salinity 35 ppt. He's in low flow and...
  4. Reefer37

    RFA Eating Hammer Coral

    So did a WC last night and my hammer decided to bail out this morning. I've had horrible luck with hammers specifically, but have 4 torches and 3 frogspawns in a 45g tank with no issues that have all been doing great. Anyway, that's a whole other thing. I woke up to find my hammer bailed and...
  5. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  6. N

    Help after hammer bailout

    Hello! I am new to the hobby. I unfortunately had an alkalinity spike and believe I caused my branching hammer to bailout. I currently have my water parameters under control. My hammer had one last piece of flesh remaining. I read in another forum to put it in a shot glass with sand and see if...
  7. Plzpizza

    Polyp Bailout?

    Hi recently today I got a pink frogspawn and I might of dipped it too aggressively by using a turkey Bastet and blasting it cause a lot of stuff was coming out. I also rinsed it 2 times in salt water 1st time was with main display water then with new saltwater. A small part of it seems to be...
  8. jnava19

    Help with Elegance Coral

    Hello! I've got an elegance in December, it was looking very good and has been doing good so far in the tank. However, last weeks I started to notice, it is starting to detach from the skeleton base, at the sides. You can see the skeleton in the sides and looks like every day is a bit more...
  9. O

    Rusted Hose Clamp leading to LPS polyp bailout?

    Hi, I have a large 300 gallon mixed reef aquarium, with the following parameters: temp between 76-78, pH between 7.88 and 8.01, and alk around 9.1. I just did some service to my sump, and I noticed that two hose clamps I had attached to my return pump, which are about 2 years old, were covered...
  10. MRRBW

    Torch polyp bail out?

    this past week both my torches have lost a head and I have 2 free floating heads, 1 from each torch. They look viable and quite intact, but I don't know why they have done this. Water parameters are all normal, maybe calcium is a little low at 360-380. Only other change is my temp has gone down...
Tropic Marin USA