
  1. xXSwoleNerdXx

    Skimmer Mod For Ozone Generator - Is This Ideal?

    i familiarized myself with some of the aspects of what i am curious about pertaining to using oxidants to develop a healthier/cleaner system. I have been running a Ozotech Poseidon 200 ozone generator for about 3 days now. it turns on at midnight and runs to 12:15 at level 2 on the Poseidon...
  2. taricha

    Seachem Clarity: what it ISN'T, and a possible mechanism of action

    This is about Seachem Clarity and its use for water clarifying. I don't know exactly what it is, but I know a common guess that it is not, and I thought I'd post a little about how it seems to behave. The manufacturer page describes it as "...the ultimate clarifier for both fresh and saltwater...
  3. T

    Question to Randy - what methods do you use in your tanks?

    Hello, First of all - thanks Randy for your contribution to spreading knowledge on this forum. Without you I wouldn't learn many things I have never heard about it, despite the fact I do not like going with the easiest and most common solution and thus I like to explore and experiment. I...
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