
  1. DeLegge90

    Sleeper Goby Disappearance Due To Polyclad Flatworm Toxin?

    I added a sleeper goby to my tank about 2 months ago, and it went missing about 3 days ago. No major changes to water parameters - everything kept in check. I have the tank covered so it couldn't have jumped, it has plenty of fine sand to sift through, as well as plenty of hiding spots, and was...
  2. AquaNerd

    Parasitic Euphyllia Eating Polyclad Worms

    Polyclad worms are a type of flatworm that can wreck havoc on our prized corals. In this article we are going to take a look at a particular type of parasitic flatworm that some aquarists may be unfamiliar with. Keep reading.
  3. sayitfast

    Is it possible? Cynarina ate Polyclad Worm

    Ok... strange quesiton but I'm at a loss to explain a few things. I have a very large Cynarina (Easily 7 inches when puffed up). I know I also have a dreaded Polyclad worm as I have seen it... only once a few weeks ago. Snails have had a short lifespan in my tank and I was always at a loss to...
  4. g5flier

    Need some help to identify these...killing my torch coral!

    Hi - need some expert advice on this one, they were covering the base of my torch coral and nearly killed it. Put into Coral Dip and they immediately came off. Any ideas what they are and how to get rid of them from my system? Thanks!!