
  1. Lebowski_

    What are the most dangerous aspects of this hobby?

    Many of us have heard of a Palytoxin (If you haven’t, read this). Lionfish and urchin toxicity is also pretty widely known about. Corals and anemones have stung people badly enough to cause numbness, pain and scarring. Water and electricity…drip loops people! What are some other risks which...
  2. M

    Came home to my sea hare dead and half it's body missing

    I got this sea hare on Friday from my lfs to combat some hair algae I've been getting and today I came home to half it's body missing(the head half) and the bottom just floating by the sand bed. Now I saw him last night grazing and moving around so I have no idea what could have caused this. Is...
  3. F

    Ambient/waterborne TTX poisoning? (Keeping pufferfish)

    Hello, I'm very new to the forums. I work at a LFS where we keep puffers, currently a dogface and a porcupine, both around 4-5 inches. They've arrived about a few weeks ago and I've been treating them for ich with herbtana and artemiss (so far, they're doing much better, each day better than the...
  4. B

    Ammonia poisoning or low oxygen?

    Hi so I got my first 2 clowns in my tank today of 90 gallons. But every so often only ONE of the Clowns will go to the surface and grab air OCCASIONALLY, the other one swims and explores. Normally they swim like nothing wrong. if I get too close they dart to the bottom so I had to record from...
  5. V

    Is polymer clay safe for saltwater aquariums?

    I recently created a rocky (hollow) aquascape out of polymer clay (fully cured: heated at 280 for 1 hour) filled with mortar cement (cured for a week) but the water has started getting slightly cloudy. The water is RODI and about 1.010 salinity. Though the tank isn't stocked with anything other...
  6. C

    Are magician Zoas palythoa

    Hi so I am wondering if magician zoa would be palythoa or zoanthus also I have mixed things on the toxicity of zoanthus. Are zoanthus containing high levels of palytoxin or no
  7. Chowder3

    Next steps with tank after all fish die?

    Hi everyone! So on Monday night all my fish died except my electric blue hermit crab. So sad. My tank was established on May 10th of this year. I was doing the BRS 5 minute video set up. So far so good ~no issues until now. In my tank we’re 2 pairs of clown fish and the blue hermit crab. Monday...
  8. B

    GE Silicon 2 poisoning

    Hi everyone. I just posted a couple days ago about an emergency I was having with my tank. All my fish were dying after switching to a new sump. I thought it was because I switched the sand, or because the heater was up too high which killed off the bacteria; however, I found the culprit. I...
  9. scott11106

    What is the deal with coral air poisoning

    I just saw the article in the news and saw it on fox news that a family and their dogs were poisoned by coral from their fish tank. Has anyone had this problem and if so to what degree? they seem to think it was from zoanthids... The CDC stated: According to Centers for Disease Control and...