
  1. Sakudo4

    California Livestock Trade Copepods

    Tons of copepods available for trade or sale 8 oz. Bottles
  2. Muffin87

    What do copepods eat in a refugium placed after a filter roller?

    If you used an automatic filter roller preventing leftovers and fish poop to get to the refugium, would you still have a thriving pod population in the refugium? I believe the obvious answer would be no, as they’d have little to eat. But frankly, I don’t know if pods are able to eat tiny bits of...
  3. D

    Can't see any of my tisbe pods in culture?

    I recently started a Tisbe pod culture and am following a few guides on r2r as well as on youtube, but I'm starting to wonder whether I even got any live pods? I've got two cultures going each in a 1.7l jar, both have airline tubes connected to them at 1.025 salinity. I feed phyto once every...
  4. His Coral Highness

    Baffle Order In Sump

    Trying to just get everything figured out before I start putting together my sump. I have a 29 gallon and am planning on getting a kit for it similar to the Fiji Cube kit. It will have 4 chambers, one for the filter socks, one for the skimmer, one for biomedia/Chaeto, and one for a return pump...
  5. S

    Build Thread Let’s see those culture setups!

    as i start my journey into culturing live foods: phyto,pods,mysis, etc. i’d love to see some of your tanks & get ideas as to how i could go about this. also what’s your favorite “live food” to culture? Thanks!
  6. Sidsreef

    Got pods bigger than the state fair.

    Hello I am a firefighter and was at work for two days and came home and took a peek at my tank and noticed a masssive pod outbreak. Anyone else have this happen. Didn’t dose pods or nothing. Maybe a frag plug? But man my tank is loaded with them and there pretty big. Like noticeable from about...
  7. S

    Pod your reef

    What ever you don’t buy from reef your pod first shipment I got had about 10 pods in each bottle. Second shipment was about 40 pods and each bottle. Looks like I’m going back to reef nutrition where they have thousands of pods in a smaller bottle.
  8. AlgaeBarn

    Pod poop?

    Now that we have your attention- check out our video under the microscope of a copepod pooping ;) :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: What goes in..... must come out.... Due to the fact that phytoplankton removes CO2 from the atmosphere and copepods eat this phytoplankton, these pods are...
  9. Pelagikos

    Pods or something more diabolical?

    Hey guys just a quick question. Monthly, I add @AlgaeBarn ecopods. A couple of months ago I used one shipment of the Galaxy pod mix. Today while feeding my corals, I noticed in my chaeto overgrowth box these little (1/8 inch?) critters. I've looked around at some pictures but I can't seem to...
  10. AlgaeBarn

    Labor Day BOGO!

    Buy One Get One Free Offer ! for EVERY 1 Combo you add to the Cart, you will get 2 ! No Limit! https://www.algaebarn.com/shop/live-foods/combo-packs/galaxy-pods-oceanmagik-bogo/
  11. C

    PODs eating duncan VIDEO

    I couldn’t figure out why my Duncan is receding so I put my camera on it for 9 minutes with flow on and off throughout. Tiny pods like creatures are running around at the base and I think those are what is irritating it. Does anyone know what these are?
  12. T

    Mechanical filtration and copepods

    I’m trying to establish a pod population in a new tank. I only have eight small fish in 150 gallons of water. There are 100 lbs of Caribsea LifeRock and 80 lbs AragAlive sand in the tank. Phosphates are still unmeasurable so my fuge only has Marinepure blocks. Both the rock, and the blocks have...
  13. Dinkins Aquatic Gardens

    Live Phyto & Pods from Dinkins Aquatic Gardens

    Dinkins Aquatic Gardens is a small business run by my wife and myself (mostly my wife!) that focuses on live foods for your reef. We currently offer phytoplankton, three species of copepods, and rotifers. We focus on providing a quality product with concierge-level customer service and a 100%...
  14. yanni

    Copepod refugium help

    Hey all, I’ve recently bought a Scooter Blenny for my Waterbox 20. He readily takes frozen food, been feeding him frozen copepods which he readily eats, and he picks at what live copepods he can find in my tank. Id like to construct a refugium for breeding pods, but just a rubble refugium. I...
  15. Karen00

    Advice needed from folks culturing pods and rotifers

    Hello fellow saltines, I purchased a bottle of mixed rotifers/pods and live phyto (it's not reef nutrition because my last was out of stock of what I wanted). The mixture contained pods: tisbe biminiensis and rotifers: brachionus privatizing and brachionus rotundiformis. The bottle had live...
  16. Karen00

    Floating macro for pods other than chaeto?

    Hello fellow saltines, I've done a search for floating macro other than chaeto but don't see anything that stands out? I have a suedo sump are in my AIO but it's in no way isolated from my tank. I would like to put a basket in the main sump area and some floating macro (for pods) that is less...
  17. AlgaeBarn

    Buy 2...

    Buy 2 of our Pod and Phyto Packs, and get a EcoPack! https://www.algaebarn.com/coupons-and-deals/
  18. polyppal

    Input on a pod cultivation tank

    So I got a couple commercial LfS tanks (about 12g) lying around, and though it might be a good idea to set them up to cultivate copepods and either phyto or brine shrimp. anyone have long term success in cultivating pods and keeping a culture?
  19. yanni

    Weird floating white spots

    Hey all! I’ve noticed these small white dots floating in the top middle chamber of my Waterbox 20 sump. They seem to swim when I turn all flow off, and there is a ton of them, and also seemingly react when I shine light on them at night. They’re tiny, smaller than the tip of a pen, can see...
  20. emperata

    Too many pods?

    Hey reef maniacs! Wondering if it’s possible to have too many pods? I actually have tiny shrimpy things. At night, they run amok. But isn’t that a good thing? I’m sure my jawfish thinks so. Jeff
  21. Herpdederp

    Cultivating pods

    So three days ago I attempted to make a pod cultivating system with a big mason jar, since I am looking to TTM a mandarin before introducing to my DT. I followed instructions from a youtube video this was what I added into the jar - Newly mixed salt SG 1.026 Added pods caught from my DT 20 - 40...
  22. Lylelovett

    Copepods without a refugium?

    Hi all, I recently replaced the chaeto refugium in my sump with an algae scrubber. This also means I removed my grow light from the sump as well. I have dosed copepods a couple of times but have become more interesting in trying to keep a better population in my system. Without having that...
  23. Schraufabagel

    Can Reef Nutrition foods be combined?

    I currently feed @Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast, R.O.E, Arcti Pods, and Phyto Feast. Can at least the first 3 in those list be combined into a single feed? I'm looking at setting up an auto feeder with a small fridge and this would make things much easier using a single dosing line. Also, Apex...
  24. Schraufabagel

    Auto Dosing Refrigerated Food

    I've seen a few posts of DIY solutions for auto dosing refrigerated food. I'm looking for some updated thoughts. How difficult would it be to auto dose using something like one of the Koolatron 6 can fridges? I currently feed @Reef Nutrition Phyto Feast, Arcti-Pods, and TDO. I also feed Red Sea...
  25. Karen00

    How do I do water changes on pod culture tank without sucking out all the pods?

    Hello fellow saltines, This might be a stupid question (or at least a newbie question) but how do people do water changes on their pod culture tanks? I know a lot of people keep pods in their sumps/fuges so maybe this problem isn't applicable but for people maintaining separate culture tanks...