please help!!! thankyou

  1. b0bburg3r

    None stop bacterial bloom 5 weeks long

    Hello I hate to ask for help. After some time I finally realized my fish were breathing heavy from a bacterial bloom. To save the fish I would change the water. Then it would come back. Three fish stores testing my water, with me testing daily I can’t figure it out. Here is a picture before and...
  2. ASmith0914

    What is this?

    We found this on a piece of live rock this morning. I added some snails and hermit crabs yesterday. The second picture was taken after one of the crabs turned it over.
  3. O

    EMERGENCY Need help guys please

    Hello guys , so I need some help/advice on the following. As you know we passed thru a hard time with the whole COVID. I lost my job and have to sadly move back with my parents for the time being. As of now I have a 75Gallon Display tank with a 40G sump. Realistically I can’t afford to take...
  4. Z

    Hello Just starting and want to deep clean second hand tank

    Hi everyone - just picked up a Red Sea reefer 525xl and starting to get some of the gear to kick it over. So I really have no idea besides to videos I watch, but I want to give the big tank a really deep clean all over because it was full of aiptasia? (I think it’s called) and it was everywhere...
Your Reef