
  1. R

    Why can’t I be a stickhead

    Hello everyone! I need help as I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have a 10g nano that I have had setup for about a year and a half now and throughout it I have tried periodically to keep sps and they all end up bleaching. I tried one at the 6 month mark, year mark, and now (18 months) and...
  2. 1epauletteshark

    EMERGENCY Juvenile yellow banded possum wrasse not looking too good please help!

    My best little friend is looking really really bad. She was swimming near the surface and sitting sideways on top of the cord of my filter and when I touched her with something she quickly got up and swam away to another spot to do the same thing and not moving, I have put her in my makeshift QT...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY Reef Dying

    Hi, I’ve had this reef for about 2 months now, everything was fine and open and doing very well then all of a sudden maybe in the past week it’s just stopped opening up fully and not looking healthy. I will show some pictures below of before and after. It’s mainly my torch’s and frogspawns I am...
  4. D

    Fragging Devil Hand Leather

    Hi, I’ve been wondering if I try to frag my first Coral and not sure how to. I have a devil hand leather which I hear is supposed to be very easy to frag but I’m not sure how to frag I’ve been trying to find videos but can’t. I also want to frag zoanthids but my zoanthids I’ve had for the...
  5. D

    Sump and Overflow

    Hi! I’m just going to be straight forward. My son is 15 and has a 90 gallon tank. He is only running a canister filter for now but has been waiting for some stuff that came from his uncle to set up a sump. He is building his own sump right now and doesn’t even know where to start since his uncle...
  6. J


    Hello, I am new to saltwater aquariums. I had no idea that I have to cycle a tank before I add any livestock. I brought two clowns from lfs, bought aragonite sand and three live rocks in 15gallon fluval tank. I understand some ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates swings can happen during a cycle...
  7. D

    Please help a new reefer out:)

    Hi everyone. I recently started a 40 gallon breeder and it was going fantastic. My corals were doing great as well. Then it all went downhill and even my torch died which was heartbreaking. I use an AI Prime light with a self made all in one with filter floss, filter sponge, the balls for...
  8. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY Ruby Red Dragonet not eating, lethargic!

    Hi, I’m really looking for help, I don’t know what happened but my first post got deleted.. I hope it doesn’t happen again. I purchased a ruby red dragonet yesterday from my lfs and it’s belly was already sunken in.. as soon as I put it in my tank after acclimating for 2 hours, it started to eat...
  9. T

    !HELP! Everything is sad!!!!!!

    Help please! Noticed around 3-4 days ago that my Neon blue striped mushroom was shrivelling up which it has never done in the months that i have owned it. Checked all parameters and everything is great so i thought it was just having a moment. Woke up this morning to just about everything in the...
  10. R

    can someone help me to id this hammer please.

  11. Woodneers

    USA Any acrylic cutters want to help a brother out?

    I’m looking for someone to help me construct a filter sock holder that will fit in a 90 gallon diy sump. I purchased a tank that came with a standard 90 gallon tank/diy sump. It has baffles but no sock holder/ overflow silencer. I could cut it all out by hand but if someone could help me it...
  12. Fred5612

    Can someone PLEASE HELP me save my Turbinaria!

    Hello, I’m quite desperate. I’m relatively new to the hobby and since a month or two my poor turbinaria coral is going in decline. Every day I wake up and it’s missing more and more polyps, leaving behind naked coral and a hole. What is wrong with it? I tested all parameters and they’re...
  13. Ctafesh

    Help please

    Hi all, was hoping you could help me figure out what is going on......posted a video so you could see. Some fish have white spots, but it looks like too many to be Ich and the clowns have a couple black spots They’re still eating, but not as ravenously as usual. They’re in QT and we are trying...