
  1. I

    Mystery Algae Growth

    I’m having a weird thing that may be algae growing on my already diatom covered dry rock. Can anyone please tell me what it is? Thanks!
  2. sotsreef

    Fern thing in chaeto

    what is this? It is in the chaeto that I just bought.
  3. V

    Help with identifying some coral?

    Hey all, I am currently trying to identify the different corals and whatnot in my fish tank at work. The individuals stocking it have told me that they're going to get me a list, but it's been three weeks since he's said that and I go back to school next week. I'd like to have the flashcards...
  4. Reefiness

    Cheato and Anacharis elodea (freshwater/pond plant) for sale $10 shipped

    I noticed some people looking to buy cheato, and sadly I've thrown out my most recent trimmings because of no one I knew of locally needing any. So just an FYI, this is more to get a list of people looking for cheato that I could ship out to when i do my next trimming which at current pace...
  5. nickloeuf

    green algae/plant??

    hey guys there's this green thing that has started growing on one of my rocks! i would like to know what it is and if it is good or bad? thanks! here's a picture
World Wide Corals