pipe size

  1. Z

    To re-pipe or not??

    Hi all, so smy 525XL that I am attempting to give a good clean out to is going well in the actual tank itself, not so underneath as yet, but I thought before I get to far ahead, I should just check for any leaks. So I filled the overflow box in my 525xl tank to see if no 1.) the 3 pipes that are...
  2. J3ans

    Bean animal help

    Hi I'm setting up a bean animal to an aquarium with a return pump 8.000 GPH what size of pipe should I need to use? 3 x 2"
  3. psumms

    Return Pump Plumbing - Efficient Design Question

    The time has come to re-plumb my return pump to make better use of space in my sump... Did I read somewhere once that there was a recommended length of straight pipe on the pump outlet before adding any bends to aid efficiency? I know on the intake there should be at least five times the...
  4. DirtDiggler2823

    Sump Return

    I've been looking all over for information on this, but how is everyone running their sump return? I mean, what size and type of bulkhead are you using, and what plumbing are you using in the tank to direct flow and the such? I'm using 1 1/4 inch pipe from the DT to the sump in a Bean Animal...