pipe organ

  1. H

    What’s growing on the side of my pipe organ???!

    After cleaning my nano tank after upgrading from IO to Red Sea coral pro salt (A1 stuff) I was scrubbing algae off a couple coral and seen a white skeleton growing on the underside of the pipe organ. Not sure if it’s an Acro???
  2. Starfishandseahorse

    Hair Algae on Pipe Organ Removal

    Hiya everyone! Quick question. My tank is doing great and my algae is under control nicely except for one holdout. My pipe organ is covered in green hair algae and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how on Earth to remove it all. Every few days I pull off as much as I can but it is insidious and the...
  3. ReefChasers

    XL Purple Wave Aquacultured Pipe Organ Frag

  4. Garcia2460

    Coral stopped opening up.

    Hey everyone, just recently purchased a Coral pack from WWC. I have three thathad no issues acclimating and opening up as soon as a I put them in the tank. Another which is a zoa arrived looking a little weird and has only changed slightly.. (I think). The last coral I have an issue with is a...
  5. dtruitt

    "Easy" pipe organ seems temperamental

    We have about a dozen stony corals, and three softies - a hairy mushroom, a zoa, and a pipe organ. All of the stony corals are doing well, but the pipe organ has been driving me nuts. I've tried medium lighting and medium flow, I've tried high lighting low flow, I've tried low lighting high...
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