pincushion urchin

  1. K

    Pincushion urchin I need help. I added this urchin yesterday after acclimating it and it was moving around really well and seemed fine. Come to this morning and it wasn't moving, I wondered if it was hungry so I put another algae pellet under by it, wouldn't move...
  2. G

    urchins in 75 gallon

    could i keep 2 pincushion urchins and 1 black longspine in a 75 gallon
  3. elm03

    Sea Urchin Poop?

    Soooo I was watching my tank for a little bit while I was on my computer next to it and I noticed my pincushion sea urchin expelling tiny coco puffs from the back side of him. This is definitely a silly question, but I just want to make sure he is ok and that it's normal. I literally have never...
  4. ajtomase

    Starfish, urchin, or both in tank

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?