
  1. M

    Pincushion Spine Colors?

    Recently purchased two pincushion urchins from my lfs. Noticed one has pure white spines, while the other has black tips on its white spines. Is this normal, or do the black tips mean anything?
  2. stephanjupillat

    Pennsylvania Live Goods SOLD 2 free large pincushion urchins - pickup 18929

    I got 4 of these from reefcleaners 2 were small and put into DT 2 were too large so they have been in my frag tank since April or so. They need to go as I now have frags in there which they are moving around...
  3. elm03

    Sea Urchin Poop?

    Soooo I was watching my tank for a little bit while I was on my computer next to it and I noticed my pincushion sea urchin expelling tiny coco puffs from the back side of him. This is definitely a silly question, but I just want to make sure he is ok and that it's normal. I literally have never...
  4. bvanfish

    Short Spine or Tuxedo Preemptive Strike

    I have a newer tank roughly 1 month old with 2 clowns, 6 snails, 1 conch, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 hermit. All my parameters are holding nicely. I am doing weekly 10% water changes. I have some diatoms that my conch is mowing down. My question is I can start to see a little algae coming. The main...
  5. Cantusaurus

    California WTB Looking for a Tuxedo or Pincushion Urchin (LA area)

    Hi I am looking for a tuxedo urchin, or pincushion, and I am wondering if anyone has one that they do not need or want anymore that I can buy off them in the Los Angeles area. If so let me know :) Thanks I can also trade some corals with you for it.