pico reef

  1. 123lac

    Nano Build Super low budget Pico; 5 gallon / 20 litres K-mart tank

    Hey everyone, After spending the last 12 months researching reef tanks on and off, I've decided to dive in and get my toes wet as I just can't tide over the obsession any longer. Within the next 12-18 months I am planning on getting a Cade 500 (30 gallon with sump), so this Pico tank needs to...
  2. J

    Nano Build 5 Gallon Office Pico

    I have a Waterbox 100.3 that is at the 1.5 year mark and is moving along nicely. As a consequence of 2 reefs, I had some extra stuff that got me thinking about a pico. I have a 5 gallon tank that used to be my ato and some nice frags that I can't seem to sell. So I started busting up some rock...
  3. TheRainyDayAquarium

    Build Thread Just Another Pico Reef

    Hello all, Usually just poke my head in once in a while to see what everyone is up to, but this time I decided to make a small thread for my small tank It’s only .3 gallons so not a lot to work with, but slowly turning it into a good old fashioned tiny mixed reef is my desire. As far as...
  4. sharkyahd

    Hello It really is an addiction…

    Hi my name is Aiden and I have a problem… just kidding, sort of. Hello everyone! To preface I have tried and tried to get out of the hobby a couple times now but I guess I just can’t fight it. I’m meant to glue live animals to rocks and burn money on salt. I’m here to learn from and share my...
  5. S

    Build Thread Sim's 3G Pico

    After not having had a tank of my own in over a year, when I saw a little glass AIO sitting on a table in a thrift shop I decided I would give a small tank another shot. After a quick leaktest and a clean up, I started work on my aquascape. Using some live rock from a friend's tank I put...
  6. RedfishReefer

    Nano Build Pico Tank recommendations (1-2.5g)

    Hello, I retired my 10g last year as I was moving a lot and was to big to easily move. I’m comfortable moving tanks without destabilizing it to much so not worried about that. I want to get into desktop reef tanks. I’m wanting 1gallon but no bigger than 2.5 gallons. Any recommendations for AIO...
  7. welshd24

    Nano Build 5 Gallon work tank build

    5 gallon aqueon aqueon heater 50 watt
  8. V

    Nano Build KUK'S REEF 13,2g

    Hello everyone! Sorry my english is bad. This post is about my Nano reef tank, without sump and without skimmer. My old 6,6gall nano tank was so densely planted with coral that I decided to move to a larger tank. Dimensions of the new aquarium 60см*30см*35см. OPTIWHITE glass 8 mm thick...
  9. LeDart

    LeDart’s 5 Gallon Pico Reef

    Ok, so to start off, this aquarium is a Fluval Chi, a 5 gallon, 10”x10”x12” aquarium that was a betta’s originally, I upgraded the betta’s tank, and turned the Fluval Chi into a saltwater aquarium, I forgot to take photos of me painting the back of it, and adding sand and rock. Also I am using a...
  10. LeDart

    Build Thread LeDart’s 5 Gallon Pico Reef

    Ok, so to start off, this aquarium is a Fluval Chi, a 5 gallon, 10”x10”x12” aquarium that was a betta’s originally, I upgraded the betta’s tank, and turned the Fluval Chi into a saltwater aquarium, I forgot to take photos of me painting the back of it, and adding sand and rock. Also I am using a...
  11. W

    ATO for a 5.5

    Hey guys I have a 5.5 pico tank, it’s mostly a macroalgae tank with just 1 or two coral, I’m wondering if anyone knows of a good ATO that won’t be big and bulky for the tank and would work good for a tank that small?
  12. Karen00

    Suggestion for Member's Aquarium Discussion section

    Something to think about... Is it possible to get a Pico Reefs (or Pico Tanks) subsection in the Member's Aquarium Discussion forum? I see pico tanks as being distinct from nanos. My reading has defined a pico as up to 5g/5.5g and a nano as 6g up to 30g although I'm not sure if others view a...
  13. T

    Nano Build Trying to find decent light for decent price on my new Pico tank

    I’ve been having trouble finding the best light to use for a 2 gallon Pico tank I recently set up. I would LOVE to be able to grow small acros in this thing, but using the extra ai prime I have seems a little like overkill. Any suggestions? Would like to keep it around $50 but I know that’s a...
  14. kiswanson

    Nano Build 40 ounce PNW Pico reef office tank

    Next office build! A PNW 40 oz “reef” system! Just running rodi water right now. Thinking of adding a few pieces of cycled rock, a little sand, and, this may be crazy, but a few pocillopora frags. I’ve always had good luck with pocillopora, so I thought it’s my best bet for an sps. SPS in such a...
  15. Lucid Reef

    Nano Build My 3.3L DIY Pico reef tank

    Hello and welcome to my build thread for my 3.3L Pico Reef tank. I started the build in January 2022. The tank is a 3.3L AIO Acrylic tank that you build yourself. Its made by a company called PTank. The tank is lazer cut into acrylic and comes in flat pack form which you then have to cement...
  16. lucyretz

    Dosing a pico

    Hey reefers I have a 3 gallon pico packed with euphyllia (it is a temporary tank, we are moving to a large waterbox in the next few months). Now in a tank this small obviously the fluctuations are a struggle, i test nightly and the ato keeps my salinity stable, cal and mag don’t move much...
  17. culvern

    Build Thread 2.1 Gallon Pico Reef Build

    Here’s my new tinker project I started cycling a couple of days ago. It’s perched on my office desk to provide me with a little eye candy when working from home. I could’ve taken the easy route and cycled with live rock from my display tank but I’m a big advocate of using dry rock and...
  18. lucyretz

    Nano Build 3 gallon pico (euphyllia dominant) show off!

    after being on and off for the last 5 ish years with multiple tanks of varying sizes… i am finally BACK in the hobby and man does it ever feel good! may i present my newest adventure: a 3 gallon LPS (euphyllia dominant) pico! the rainbow hammer colony was just added today so please don’t mind...
  19. D

    Is it possible to create different intensity light zones in 5 gal tank, or the only solution is to make separate setups?

    As many of us do, I am getting corals that are interesting to me, and now faced a situation when the light in the tank is too high for low light species. Is there a way to create different light zones in 10" tall tank? What I could think of: Placing them under overhang under LED light makes too...
  20. London_pico_reefer

    Nano Build 8 gallon / 35 litre nano reef

    Here’s my 8 gallon nano reef, been running for a year however had to switch tanks due to a crack the other day, hoping everything will grow over it a bit making it look a bit more grown out and natural, still everything seems happy enough after the switch
  21. Starganderfish

    Nano Build My 3 gallon Pico build

    I’ve been an on-again/off-again fish keeper with freshwater and reef tanks over the years. Had to tear down and give away my previous 75 gal reef about 7 years ago when we moved house (3-4 months of open-house, auction, settlement, house hunting, purchase and settlement on a new house, made...
  22. S

    Nano Build DIY Pico

    Hi Everyone! I am going to be taking on the challenges of building a tank from scratch, and doing a pico reef! Im new to reef tanks and would love as much advice as I can get! Im planning to build the tank to be overall 8"x8"x8" and leaving a 2" section in the back to do an AIO setup, so the...
  23. Squid_reef

    Build Thread The journey of a 2.5G Pico reef (DIY/AIO)

    Hi, fellow reefers. I'm stoked to join the forum/community. I had a 40G Reef (Methode Jaubert) a decade ago... and I'm only getting back to it now after I (managed to ) convince my missus to get a pico tank . I'm over-excited to get back to this really - Things have changed (myself included)...
  24. J

    Zetlight LED M1 for Pico Tank

    I am working on a 2-gallon Pico DIY build and came across the Zetlight LED M1. Has anyone had experience with this light? Wondering if it will work with a timer (as some LED lights with a certain type of on/off switch don’t work with timers), and if it will retain previous settings. Any input...
  25. HWEP

    Build Thread Pico 2 Gallon, because i like to be on edge.

    ***Posted in wrong thread, moved to Build thread*** Hi everyone, I thought i'd do my first build thread. After a rollercoaster few months with my large 30Gal which is now calming down, evidently i get a high off consistent panic, so i've decided to induce more stress on myself. Secondhand 2...
Reef Kinetics