
  1. C

    NO3/PO4 in 2.6g Pico always bottoming out. Tempted to put fish in there...

    This is a problem I've been having with this setup pretty consistently. Nutrients are always on the ultra low to zero side and no amount of feeding is helping the situation. I initially thought All-For-Reef was the cause due to its carbon dosing effect, but this time I'm using ESV B-Ionic and...
  2. C

    Kessil A80 - PAR readings and review in a Fluval Spec III 2.6g Pico

    Tank is a Fluval Spec III 2.6g (10.8" L -- 11.8" W -- 8.7" H) I took these readings with an Apogee MQ-510 that I borrowed from the local fishie store. This light seems to be a bit controversial. Some love it - others hate it. My opinion? It's an amazing light that gets a bad rep from people who...
  3. Sailaway

    Build Thread The dollar general nano jar…experiment

    A couple months back, I was taking a stroll through the local dollar general. Well, one of 5, because when there’s one dollar general, there’s another. While looking in the sale section, I noticed a jar, a unique one at that. It was tilted sideways and looked a little..odd? Different? Strange...
  4. O

    ATO Opinions for a Pico Office Tank

    Wow. First of all, hello to every single member on here. I have been browsing these forums since ... 2013 When I was 15. In a sense, you all taught me to be a better reefer and I've gone through the last 10 years of my life growing and learning with all of you. I feel honored to be posting here...
  5. ShrimplicitBias

    Another Toadstool not opening thread

    Hi everyone, Longtime lurker, first time poster. I've had my tyree toadstool for about a year now. I started with a 5g tank, and boy did he grow quick! In July I set up a 10g IM Nuvo. I let it cycle for a couple months, added some hermits and a goby, a couple zoas, all is well (nitrates are a...
  6. RedfishReefer

    Nano Build Pico Tank recommendations (1-2.5g)

    Hello, I retired my 10g last year as I was moving a lot and was to big to easily move. I’m comfortable moving tanks without destabilizing it to much so not worried about that. I want to get into desktop reef tanks. I’m wanting 1gallon but no bigger than 2.5 gallons. Any recommendations for AIO...
  7. besskurz

    Build Thread Fish bowl Jaubert plenum 8.8g

    Hello y'all, I started reefing 2 years ago. When I was still living in Brazil. At that time, I was learning a lot with youtube videos. Berlin method is widely promoted, so for a new guy, I thought this was the only way to reef. My first AIO lasted a bit more than a year until I had to move to...
  8. reefsaver

    Smallest auto fish feeder available?

    I tried googling "Smallest auto fish feeder" to see what my options are and couldn't really find any threads or articles dedicated to reviewing and comparing the smallest available auto fish feeders for a small pico tank. I'd probably go with an Eheim Everyday Fish Feeder but if anyone knows any...
  9. JLReef

    first livestock for 2,5gallon??

    my 2,5gallon is ready cycling im looking for a first tiny(obviusly) fish ive got all the upgrade means even eventualy to place it in a bigger tank of mine. problem is.. the tank is to clean for hermits or snails (maybe feed them with pellets?) im thinking a clown gobie species. would that be...
  10. JLReef

    Build Thread my custom 2,5 gallon pico setup

    bieng on a budget getting a full reef tank filled with corals i thought why not go smaller. i love the maintaining part of it. i know smaller is harder but i love that challange. i got this little Dennerle tank and made a internal sump with black acrylic with the help of my handy grandpa. got...
  11. JLReef

    Hello hoping for a new challange

    hello everyone im new to the forum. little new to reefing witch ive done for a year now. ive kept freshwater for 15 years with endgoals to accomplish self sustaining eco systems. ive had a 16gallon (60liter) reef tank for a year now and im just done cycling a 2,5gallon (10liter) pico tank. i...
  12. T

    Nano Build Fluval Spec III 2 Gallon Mixed Reef

    I have failed at keeping corals in four past tanks. Two separate 5gallons, a 13gallon, and a 25gallon. Mostly due to my ignorance and, if I may call it an excuse, life in general. After 5 years in this hobby, I finally decided to join this community after seeing all the helpful comments and...
  13. T

    Hello Been a lurker for 5 years, finally gained enough confidence to join

    Hi y'all I have been reefing (unsuccessfully…more on that later) for the past 5 years trying to figure out all the intricacies of this incredible hobby so I can someday reach my goal of keeping a thriving tank that i can be proud of, and I have to say this community has been such a big part in...
  14. G

    Tips on reviving a neglected 5g pico

    Hey R2R, I've lurked for a while but I'm finally getting on the horse and reviving a 5 gallon pico I just moved home with. I will attach pictures as I learn how, but I'm currently dealing with a cyano-fiasco and extremely destabilized water params (uneven filling with distilled water, low water...
  15. reefsaver

    Nano Build Budget Nano Reef, 4 Gallon/15.2L DIY Bunnings Plumbing

    $25 For the aquarium with lid, 4.0 US Gallon or 15.2L Custom plumbing using tank outlets from Bunnings Warehouse, black irrigation tubing and non flex food grade tubing. About 100$ not including drill bits. I made this tiny weir and the other drain is only 1” and is more an emergency drain so...
  16. reefsaver

    Nano Build The Micro Reef of Nano Tanks, Anyone can make.

    Found the clearest jar I could. Placed in a piece of loose rock. Disassembled a USB LED. Soldered some spare wiring to the LED board while it is fixed in position to the lid ~ This step was quite intricate and the new circuit should be wrapped in thread tape/electrical tape and protected from...
  17. N

    Aquaculture asterina starfishh experiment

    I want more than anything to have a Harlequin Shrimp.. BUT I also don't want to feed it chocolate chip starfish every other week, that could get expensive and my partner thinks chocolate chip starfish are cute, so that eliminates that option. I have been looking into other ways to feed the...
  18. Lucid Reef

    Nano Build My 3.3L DIY Pico reef tank

    Hello and welcome to my build thread for my 3.3L Pico Reef tank. I started the build in January 2022. The tank is a 3.3L AIO Acrylic tank that you build yourself. Its made by a company called PTank. The tank is lazer cut into acrylic and comes in flat pack form which you then have to cement...
  19. D

    Cons of a pico copepod farm with corals?

    I'm planning on starting a pico tank with some easy corals like zoas/mushrooms and maybe a RFA later (once I've mastered maintaining stability in this tank though), but I'd also like to start a copepod culture so I can maybe look into getting a dragonet for my other reef tank. Theres a ton of...
  20. reefjon

    California WTB Pink Tipped Majano Anemones

    Hey everyone! I started a pico tank that's going to be primarily zoas, photosynthetic sponges, and Majano anemones. The kind I'm looking for are bright green with pink tips. I've seen them called graceful or tulip anemones as well. I was able to get my hands on a cool green(included a picture)...
  21. R

    Nano Build Did my Aquascape for my Pico/Nano this weekend

    I'm overjoyed with my progress this weekend on my aquascape, I feel it makes the tank look a little bigger than it is (lifegard 8.3 AIO). Was also surprised to see my new light get delivered on a Sunday. Just waiting for my custom lid from Kraken Lids and I'm ready to go.
  22. lucyretz

    Nano Build 3 gallon pico (euphyllia dominant) show off!

    after being on and off for the last 5 ish years with multiple tanks of varying sizes… i am finally BACK in the hobby and man does it ever feel good! may i present my newest adventure: a 3 gallon LPS (euphyllia dominant) pico! the rainbow hammer colony was just added today so please don’t mind...
  23. A

    New to Reefs, but not new to Saltwater Aquariums - Questions about Corals

    Hi everyone, I'm newish to the reef side of the hobby and I'm having a frustrating time with corals. Some are carnivorous, some photosynthesize, some are aggressive, others keep to themselves, some are invasive... you get my drift. I'm mostly curious about peaceful, photosynthetic coral that...
  24. DesktopReefer

    Lighting for Pico Jar

    I’m planning out a 2 gallon reef jar to go on my work desk at home. I’m looking at doing some acans, ricordea, acro, zoas, etc. Here are the 2 lights I’m considering: PAR38 bulb with a desk lamp ABI Tuna Blue LED Bulb Coral Reef Optimized Spectrum PAR38 Nicrew 30w NICREW 30W Reef LED...
  25. kiswanson

    Build Thread Pico Reef Tank Build Thread - Lifegard 3.8

    New Pico Reef desktop build using a Lifegard 3.8 gallon all in one tank. Also adding a Sicce nano pump, inTank media holder, and a Kessil A80 Tina blue light. I’ll be posting more soon! #nanotank #nanoreef #picoreef #picotank #AIO #lifegard #intank #wiscoreefer #wiscoreef #sicce #kessil...
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!