picasso clownfish

  1. H


    I’m thinking this is a black Picasso clown fish
  2. An_Enemy

    United Kingdom Live Goods Baby Clownfish - Hybrid (Black storm / Picasso / Snowflake)

    Hi everyone, I've bred some baby clownfish (first time and probably the last). I'm only keeping a few for myself, so the rest are available for purchase. I'm not interested in making a profit, so name your price. I'm attached to them, so I'm hoping they can find good homes. Six months old Black...
  3. An_Enemy

    Raising my clown's eggs for the first time and getting some interesting patterns!

    My clowns have been spawning for years and I finally decided to try raising them. Glad I did, there's so many interesting ones appearing! :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
  4. K

    Clownfish black growth - parasite or disease?

    Hey fam, This growth showed up on Mai. She’s a 3 year old Picasso percula clown. It’s raised a few millimeters off her body, and dark black with a possible tinge of red, under the skin and above the muscle. I noticed it yesterday. No new fish or coral have been introduced since April (Today...
  5. Cal

    USA Livestock Trade Livestock Trade Wyoming Clownfish? maybe for sale

    Don't think they are Wyoming Whites but closes...picked them up thought they looked pretty cool. Been few years or so looking for change. trade for other hybrid? or a cool anemone or $250 for the pair. pick up only
  6. c3stacks

    Build Thread Louisiana Cade 600 S2 Build

    Hello, Im just a newbie who’ve recently started the saltwater tank hobby after a 5 year hiatus. Trying to familiarize myself with the R2R platform. I will post updated pictures on the build shortly. Vectra S2 return pump 150W Eheim Heater 2- AI Nero 3 Dalua GW7 protein skimmer AI Hydra 64
  7. beartu

    Selling my 82 gallon bowfront, fish and coral (rare yellow tang that is TURNING WHITE. Large 3 to 4 inch Picasso clown, blue tang, Sailfin tang)

    I am moving and must sell my 82 gallon bowfront saltwater tank. I have a very rare yellow tang that is TURNING WHITE. Large 3 to 4 inch Picasso clown, blue tang, Sailfin tang, mandarin goby and cleaner shrimp. There are also a few sea cucumbers and snails and hermits. Several live coral...
  8. N

    Clownfish swimming weird

    Attached video doesn’t really show the struggle very well so sharing in case anyone can pickup on something I missed. I’ll try to get a better video later today. Both clownfish are the first added to newly cycled 94gal tank about 3 days ago. I had an issue with salinity (1.030-1.031) due to...
  9. Manda0597

    Build Thread My 36 Gallon FOWLR Tank

    I will post photos, updates, and progress as the tank evolves. Here is an overview of the tank as it is now. *May 2020* Our goal is to have a colorful, lively, symbiotic ecosystem. We have stayed towards more peaceful fish species and they all get along so far. So we've had our tank since...
  10. Ridwaan98


    Hello, I have a 100L fish tank with one vagabond butterflyfish and one Picasso triggerfish. I have had these fish for about 1 and a half weeks now, and I suddenly recognised their behavior to be a bit abnormal. It was just today when I woke up, the trigger was breathing really heavily and...
  11. Eva Rose

    Help with designer Percula color variations

    Hi, Anyone have a chart on Percula clowns that show the variations of color on the different designer Perculas?? I'm looking @ several diff Picasso babies (for example) but I don't know what color they will change into once they mature... I've seen some listed as Black Picasso Nebula Picasso...
  12. AquaLocker

    HOT DISCOUNTS 30% to 65% OFF Select Coral, Inverts & Fish This Week!

    No coupon codes required for these savings! Shop all Sales here: https://fishybusinessaquatics.com/on-sale-today/
  13. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  14. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  15. LatinKing

    Clownfish Breeding Data Journal Begins!!!

    Hi ALL I'm starting a clownfish breeding data journal, one to share and secondly to use this as a learning curve. After talking to WesleyC who been very helpful I thought why not start a data journal to keep the progress on my Picasso pair. General Name: Snowcasso & Bali Picasso Scientific...
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