phosphate measurement

  1. T


    Is .0250ppm phosphate high?
  2. BostonReefer300

    Massachusetts Hanna Phosphate and Phosphate ULR Checkers for Sale

    One never used Hanna Phosphate Checker (HI713) and 50 tests. $25 plus whatever shipping method you prefer unless Boston area handoff. One barely used Hanna ULR Phosphate Checker (HI774) and 50 tests. $40 plus whatever shipping method you prefer unless Boston area handoff. Payment by Venmo...
  3. Cunning_plan

    Contradictory phosphate tests

    I'm having a bit of a conundrum with my phosphate tests. For the past year I have been using the red sea test kit, whilst not particularly easy to read I have felt comfortable that my levels have been stable at the 0.12 level. I recently bought a Hanna checker to try and help get more precision...
  4. plankton

    How long is phosphate cycle for established tank?

    In another thread I described my accidental overdosing carbon chain, not monitoring phosphate that lead to zero testable phosphates and RTN of an nice tort. My phosphates were around 0.08 and dropped to 0.00 over two weeks. Since the RTN of my tort I turned off skimmer, stopped carbon dosing...
  5. Muffin87

    Which hanna phosphate checker do you use? And which should I use? HI774 vs HI713 vs HI736

    I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of Hanna Checker for phosphate. I've opened a poll to see which one you guys use. Could someone correct me if my understanding of these three checkers is wrong? And maybe suggest which one I should get? The HI774 sounds like the best choice for someone who...
  6. Rick Mathew


    SAMPLE STORAGE AND ITS IMPACT ON PHOSPHATE MEASUREMENT In a discussion on R2R @BigJohnny posed a question about why his Hanna ULR Phosphorous test results were significantly higher (2-3 times) than his ICP test results…. Here is a link to the discussion...