phosphate free

  1. H

    Mid to high NITRATE / Low to zero PHOSPHATE BENEFITS?!

    phosphates help growth in coral but also brings algae and lose of coral color. How important is phosphate in saltwater aquarium? I rather have mid nitrates levels 15-20 ppm maybe push 40ppm before 10% water change all while keeping phosphate levels low. Calcium will be readily available and more...
  2. Lillmoya

    36-0-6 Miracle Gro

    The only true complaint I’ve heard over using Miracle Gro (other than dosing debates) are the concerns about phosphates. It appears this fert is not well known in the hobby. Miracle Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food It’s specs are 36-0-6. 36 nitrogen - 0 phosphorous - 6 potash Aka 0 phosphates...
Tank Stop