
  1. taylormaximus

    Seachem Pristine vs Phosguard vs Purigen?

    Hi guys, I've been doing some research on products I might get for my tank, and came across 3 relatively similar products all made by Seachem, and I'm wondering if anyone knows what each of them do specifically, or how they work together. The main issues with my tank that I'm looking to solve...
  2. JayFish4004

    Torch coral disintegrating before my eyes with

    Anybody have experience with this? Haven’t changed a thing outside of using Phosguard to drop my phosphates from 2.1 to 0.3. I change 20-30% water and measure alk weekly - always stable around 8.5-8.9. Somehow this morning Im reading 7.9. Over the last few weeks my torches and hammers have...
  3. JayFish4004

    Dosing Phosguard - alkalinity dropped and torches are angry

    Anybody have experience with this? Haven’t changed a thing outside of using Phosguard to drop my phosphates from 2.1 to 0.3. I change 20-30% water and measure alk weekly - always stable around 8.5-8.9. Somehow this morning Im reading 7.9. Over the last few weeks my torches and hammers have...
  4. jmNoles

    Massive GHA problem + cannot get phosphates to drop

    I'm currently battling a GHA problem on my 45 AIO cube and am just completely at a loss. Willing to hear any and all advice and would prefer not to use Vibrant since I've read horror stories. I used Reef Flux to fix this in the past but would prefer not to run it again and just figure out where...
  5. 8

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond? Why? All of the labels make it seem like they all serve the same purpose? Thank you!
  6. k2-

    Cyano and Dyano Algae

    Hi , Had an outbreak of Cyano / Dyano and it killed a few of my corals.Being a new reefer it was difficult for me but finally figured out. I am sharing this just in case its helpful for another new bee. 250G system (Display tank 1 - 150G, Display tank 2 - 50G - Sump - 36 and refugium - 29G)...
  7. ReefBud508

    Chemi Pure + Phosguard?

    I was wondering does anyone know if it is ok to use chemi pure elite and Phosguard in filtration at same time? I didn't know for sure if for some odd reason mixing the two would have any kind of negative affect on my tank which i wouldn't think so saying its removing things out of my tank not...
  8. Nate_Krohn

    Filter media in HOB filter help

    Setting up a 29 gallon reef tank and I found a marineland penguin 200 biowheel hob filter. I took out the biowheel because I understand they’re just nitrate traps. Any recommendation on what media to run in it? I was thinking some phosguard, some filterfloss and maybe chemipure. Should I put any...
  9. alexytman

    Phosguard yellow?

    My new phosguard just turned yellow. This is my first time using phosguard. The phosphate stopped dropping and it's now yellow. Does it mean it's exhausted?
  10. Zazzy

    Gfo with Sps dominant

    I've read online that you should never run gfo with Sps corals in your system. Apparently corals will lose colors. How true is this? I currently run a refugium, carbon dose vinegar, and run phosguard but it gets exhausted very quickly. I feed my corals reef roids every other day. Looking for...
  11. Hemlawk

    I beat Dino!

    Pretty simple actually. I ran Phosguard during an approximate 80 hour blackout. After the blackout I removed the phosguard and treated the system with DinoX (from BRS) for 2 days. And that's about it. I'm currently dosing Nopox and beefed up my cuc. (phosphates were 0.25, nitrates 0.0)...
  12. SpikeWire

    GFO, Phosguard, and Brown Diatom on sandbed

    I've faced this before and quite honestly didn't exactly pin down the problem. Basically I am getting a brown diatom on my sandbed and it's actually becoming somewhat solid in places. Alk=8.0, Cal=420, and Mag=usually at 1350. I don't overfeed (feed the fish not the tank) but I do feed corals...