ph swing

  1. mikemathis555

    Stabilizing PH and ALK

    Since I’ve added some Zoa frags to my tank, I’ve had wild swings in dKh and PH in my Fluval 13.5G tank. I know with a small tank, this can occur, but any advice on how to stabilize this? No ammonia or nitrite Nitrate is between 5-10 ppm No detectable phosphates (only have API kit so might not...
  2. J

    Apex solenoid CO2 Scrubber

    Does the Apex Solenoid work to moderate the airflow going into the skimmer from a CO2 Reactor? Basically to manage pH.
  3. Lylelovett

    pH Swing range?

    Hi all, I just got my doser and have it set for a pretty good consistency. Right now as I'm fighting display tank algae with my refugium algae scrubber I'm getting a pH swing of roughly 7.8 -8.3. IF I'm going to have a pH swing like that, at least for the time being, is it better that I...
  4. Acuario

    Calc Reactor pH swings

    What are your thoughts about how much daily or weekly pH swing is acceptable in your calcium reactor? This is pretty much what I get in the graphic below, about .1 pH variation per day. Is this typical? Is your reactor more steady?
  5. Joe Batt

    Acceptable Ph swing?

    We try and minimise the Ph swings with reverse cycle lighting and even feeding the skimmer with outside air etc etc. However, what is the range of an acceptable daily Ph swing for SPS/LPS corals?
  6. cristiand

    pH swings and alk stability

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum but not new to reefing (almost 10 years in the hobby). So I have a 25g IM Lagoon in my living room. This is also the room where we hang out in most of the day. My issue is that I can't seem to get my pH any higher than 8 sometimes 7.9 on most days. Given the small...
  7. Yas

    Refgium lighting time

    Hello, I know the refugium light is supposed to be lit on when the display tank light turns off to prevent PH swing. What about keeping the refugium light on 24 hours a day? Will it still prevent PH swing? Is there any adverse effect? Thank you for your input in advance! Yas
  8. BlueWorldJeff

    Adding Chaetomorpha to Live Rock Refugium

    Since my display is just three live rock pillars, I currently have a live rock section in my sump that is full or rock rubble. The live rock section measures 10"W x 20" L x 7" D. Right now it just has live rock rubble and a backup thermometer. Not sure how much biological filtration it...
  9. LEOreefer

    Let's talk ph swings

    so today for the first time since setting up My tank I have people over. Windows where closed and AC turned on. My ph went into a free fall from around 8.1 to 7.7. How acceptable is this swing ? I cannot run a o2 line outside and I was looking into co2 scrubbers but the media could get...