ph problems

  1. G

    pH problems

    Hello team, I need some help. I previously had a healthy aquarium with fat and happy fish and a handful of corals and inverts. I now have 1 coral left, no inverts, and still fat and happy fish. My problems started about a month ago, I noticed that my overall pH levels were declining. Around...
  2. L

    Magnesium oxide to increase PH

    Hi everyone, Joined this hobby for three years now, and suffering PH problem for three years. Recently I found I could use MaO to increase PH and might be better than calcium hydroxide or Kalkwasser, because it doesn’t affect Ca and Alk. The chemical theory as below: MgO + H2O = =Mg(OH)2 I...
  3. Lennon's Reef

    Calcium reactor issue (pH fluctuation)

    I have an AquaMaxx cTech T-NANO hang-on calcium reactor. I just set it up on my 11-gallon aquarium because I recently got my first stony coral frags and want to start maintaining proper chemistry for these corals. I’m using a Versa peristaltic dosing pump from EcoTech Marine to dose the...
  4. HaloPhenom27

    How do I raise my PH?

    I have exhausted all possible methods that I am aware of. My powerheads are pointing towards the surface of the water. My outlet is half in and half out. My window stays open and I have an airpump outside with a line going into my built in sump (AIO) with that air being pumped in at it's highest...
  5. prfishgirl

    Ph probe reading off

    I recently purchased an apex EL.. I’m currently running a Jr with a brs ph probe.. it was time to calibrate my probe so instead I just grabbed the new ph probe from the el and ran it on my Jr until I had my mounting board ready then I switched to the EL last Sunday and the reading was off which...
  6. LEOreefer

    Co2 scrubber / ozone question

    how would one run a co2 scrubber with a ozone generator. My co2 scrubber will be hooked into my lifereef skimmer as follows...... intake to the scrubber to the collection cup and output of scrubber to Venturi. Where would a ozone generator fit in there ?
  7. LEOreefer

    Another PH thread

    hello all as the title says I have another PH question. butt you can see by my picture my ph runs between 7.5 and 7.7 it goes up as high as 7.9 after water changes( indicated by red circles) . I live in a condo with myself and my wife. On a regular basis my ph will drop to around 7.4 at night. I...
  8. MarlinMan11

    Using Baking Soda?

    Hello everyone! I'm just about ready to order a small CUC for my 10 gal tank (thanks to you guys I know what to buy) but I have one last concern before I purchase. My alkalinity is about 80ppm and I don't think that's good enough. My pH is also ~7.8 and I'd like to get it to 8.1-8.4. I've heard...
  9. rockstarta78

    pH won't go over 7.7

    I am hoping to get some help with pH level on my tank. My pH is always stuck around 7.6 - 7.7. My house has AC running almost 24/7, the tank is in the basement and there is only one door leading outside that's always closed since no one is in the basement besides me when I go down there after...
  10. LEOreefer

    Let's talk ph swings

    so today for the first time since setting up My tank I have people over. Windows where closed and AC turned on. My ph went into a free fall from around 8.1 to 7.7. How acceptable is this swing ? I cannot run a o2 line outside and I was looking into co2 scrubbers but the media could get...
  11. ReeferDave01

    Chronic pH issues

    Reefers, I have a chronic pH issue. It varies 7.75-7.85 and I can’t seem to get it above 8.0 unless I put buffers in the tank. I have Reef Octopus Skimmer & have bought BRS CO2 scrubber & attached it to skimmer. I replace CO2 media every couple of weeks or so. I was able to bump pH to 7.8 with...
  12. R

    The people at the lfs screwed me and my clowns :(

    I can't express the anger I am in right now....the people at my lfs basically told me to leave my tank for 3 weeks before adding fish with live rock. They told me absolutely nothing about the Nitrogen Cycle. After reading more and more on these forums I have learned about the Nitrogen Cycle and...
  13. R

    Need help with new saltwater tank (lowering nitrate and increasing ph)

    This is my first saltwater tank and any information you guys can give my is appreciated. Specs: -29 Gallon (picture of tank: -1 600GPD Powerhead (aimed slightly down) -84 Degrees Fahrenheit (in process of lowering this to 80) -1.022 Gravity / 30 PPT -Around 7.4 pH...
  14. kayvon77

    BioCube 29 and PH

    Hi, I'm in need of some wisdom and critical thinking. So here's the situation that I would like to present to the good of the order: I have a Biocube 29 gallon mix reef tank that I'm having a heck of a time with trying to raise its PH. The current range of my PH vacillates between 7.6 and 7.8...
Queen City Corals