ph level

  1. ariellemermaid

    New tank PH Issues

    I’m posting in the new forum because I’m starting a new tank. This is my first large build with a sump and skimmer. My RS XXL750 (“200g” total but closer to 130g of actual water) has been going for about 2 months. From day one until today the PH has been on the low side (7.6-7.7). I added a...
  2. K

    Need help with raising PH

    Hello, I have 32 G Biocube. I'm having a strange situation go on. My tank has extremely low PH of 7.1. I'm currently using Apera Instruments' PH meter to measure the PH level (I tested my tap water and it's even higher than my tank's water). My dKH is around 17 which makes me confused about...
  3. madlos123

    Pulling Outside Air with a Tetra Air Pump?

    I have a 90 gallon tank with a 40 gallon breeder sump. Tank is in the basement. I have a Bubble Magus Curve 7. The airline intake is connected to a 1/2" pvc pipe that runs about 35 foot and sucks air from outdoors. I have a handheld Pinpoint PH monitor. Before I tested my PH I calibrated...
  4. Adam1985

    New Skimmer & Macroalgae Wasting - Observations and Request for Advice

    Hi everyone! I need some advice and this is the best place in the world for high quality reef advice, so please bear with me and thanks in advance for your help! Basically I was skimmerless for a couple of weeks after removing my previous skimmer to prepare the sump for a skimmer upgrade and...
  5. B

    Using Twinstar Nano or similar electrolysis in reef tank?

    The answer here is most likely “lol, no” because of, but still giving it a try: Being quite happy with the Twinstar Nano in my planted freshwater tanks, and positively surprised by the Mame (Japanese) glass / wooden airstone skimmer, plus...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy Cane Corals not inflating

    I've had these guys 8 months. They've gone from 2 heads to 20ish. The last 2 or 3 days they haven't wanted to inflate at all with the tissue held close to the skeleton. Tank is nearly 7 years old. Parameters are: Nitrate - 5ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Ammonia- 0 ppm Calcium - 520 ppm pH - 8.2...
  7. TSSagraves

    pH question

    I am cycling my first tank and the pH is about 7.5. Is it normal for it to be this low before there’s anything in it?
  8. PaulB777

    Phosphate, PH and Aragonite

    My 150g very lightly stocked tank (6 fish and few inverts) is a little over a year old and has never really thrived. While most of the parameters have been fine (Temp: 80, Salinity: 35, Alk: 8.5, Cal: 480, Mag: 1510) I've historically struggled with my pH, Nitrates & Phosphates, and...
  9. ChristieM

    EMERGENCY Ph low, added Malawi buffer!

    I was doing all my water testing/changes tonight and in the midst mixed up my Malawi buffer (for my cichlid tanks) with my marine buffer. I added it to my 20g SW tank and my 10g quarantine tank as the PH in both tanks was a little low. I figured out the mistake before I added marine buffer to...
  10. Damdeno

    Ph and dkh

    Not sure if this question has been asked before but is there a possibility I could negatively Affect my tank if I choose to dose soda ash since my tanks dkh and ph have been relatively low lately dkh 7.4 ph 7.8≈ - Hector
  11. ReeferRN

    Am I chasing a red herring?

    Hi all while I am not brand new to the hobby this is my first thread so if there is already a thread on this please let me know. My current 125 gallon build is the biggest i have ever had. When starting I decided to go with an Apex EL which has probes for Ph and Temp. In my previous tank (30...
  12. S

    New to saltwater, how to raise ph?

    Hi from the UK! I’ve just gotten into the hobby after a long time of wanting a nano tank. Everything seems to be going smoothly with salinity at 1.026 and ammonia, nitrites, nitrates being 0. One issue: my ph is stubborn at 7.6ish despite alkalinity being between 8-9 as per fritz rpm salt...
  13. DanSavesTheDay

    pH swing? Dosing sodium bicarbonate "baking soda"

    I've just noticed some RTN on a tort frag. I haven't had any alk swings since this frag was added and it was in a low light area of the tank Could it possibly be a pH swing? My tank size is 88gallons and I usually dose my alk "baking soda" 0.6 tsp mixed in warm rodi dosed into sump at night. My...
  14. BedrockIOMC

    Switch a CO2 scrubber with Apex?

    I have been thinking of getting a CO2 scrubber and I think I have found the one I want at a good price. My PH drops so much of the evening when I get home from work and it kills me seeing such a big swing in it everyday. The only thing I hate about a CO2 scrubber is that the media doesn't have a...
  15. quicksil328

    Frag Tank Help Please!!

    Ok everyone, i need some advice/help with my frag tank. I am not seeing very good growth. Most corals seem ok but not flourishing like I would have hoped. I am wondering if PH is the problem??? First a little info. Tank is a 45 gal peninsula ( approx 12 inches deep) draining into a 20 gal...