
  1. Mechano

    What type of flatworm and solution

    Any pros out there that can verify the species of flatworm I have here? —Brownish-purple in colour. —they love mushroom corals only —Melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and mandarin will not touch them. They aren’t really hurting anything but are kinda unsightly. 167 g system 50 gallon refugium...
  2. Matt91

    Acro pest?

    Hey reefing fam, Wonderind if anyone has seen anything like the attached pics? It doesn't look like AEFW bites to me, but clearly something is upsetting it, and looks almost like something is eating the flesh... Not sure what though. I've dealt with red and black bugs in the past (treated...
  3. Qwarex

    How to get rid of blue clove polyps and unwanted mushrooms & palythoas

    I have a lot of blue clove polyps ,green discosoma mushrooms and green palys all over my tank that I want to get rid of, any solution to the problem? Have seen someone mention f aiptasia or kalk to kill mushrooms but im not sure. I have to mention that its a mixed reef tank, 80 gallons.
  4. Nate Barber

    Hydroid Transport Question

    Hey all, after a pretty depressing trip to the LFS yesterday for advice, I've decided I have to tear down my 20 gallon nano reef because of an absolutely terrible colonial hydroid infestation which I have been battling for close to six months now to no avail. I'm going to salvage what corals I...
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