percula ocelaris

  1. djm

    Percula Clownfish?

    Hi guys just picked up this little guy this afternoon and was labelled as a percula, I have my doubts and am thinking that it could be a ocellaris. I liked him because of the unusual broken stripe in the middle so am happy with my purchase either way but just interested on what you guys think.
  2. Gayle_the_snail

    Wanted: True Percula Clownfish

    Hello fellow fish-loving friends! I am hoping to set up a new saltwater tank and would LOVE to add some True Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) to the tank (it's already cycled and ready for some fish)! Does anyone know of a reputable source for these guys (I've read that a lot of places...
  3. thunderwolf

    Nano 14 gallon worm eater suggestions

    Below is from a slightly older post but everything still applies plus I added a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp. I have a 14 gallon cube currently with a pair of young percula clownfish (one is probably 2 inches or so and the other might be 1.5ish), as well as several hermit crabs and snails, with...
  4. thunderwolf

    14 gallon nano cube stocking advice

    First off please let me know if this is posted in the wrong place, as it is my first thread on this site. *Coming from freshwater* I have a 14 gallon cube currently with a pair of young percula clownfish (one is probably 2 inches or so and the other might be 1.5ish), as well as several hermit...
  5. I


    Sorry this is kind of a long question.. I’m new to saltwater tanks so bare with me. I have a 30 gallon tank and right now I have a perc clown and an ocellaris. The perc was in the tank first and I added the ocellaris about 3 weeks after. This was about 2 months ago. The perc is quite a bit...
  6. Luke 29 Gallon

    Clownfish identification with Pictures

    Hey all, hope all are well. I have had my clownfish sense they were juvenile and still mostly orange and white but to this day I can’t figure out why they don’t act like all other mated pair I’ve saw. They are two different kinds I remember that but I that they were both ocellaris so they would...
  7. K

    Unknown clown behavior

    On 11/18/19 one of the two clownfish we have in our nano tank started to act differently. Nothing has changed in the tank in the last month since having them. Parameters: Temperature - 78.3 Salinity - 1.024 PPT Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 2 ppm PH - 8.2 Symptoms: - Heavy breathing -...
  8. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  9. potatocouch

    Start them young .. food to enhance colouration for Clownfish

    Clown fishes hardcores ... I have 2 juveniles Picasso Clownfish that I would like to enhance their coloration if I can since they're young .. What would you feed your small clownfish with? something that you believe can enhance and boost their colour. Mind you that they're small hence small...
  10. Snake132

    What type clownfish are these

    What type clownfish are these Percula or ocelaris please help any experts or people who can give me a solid answer