
  1. vaguelyreeflike

    Picasso Onyx Percula X Blacker Ice Ocellaris Pair

    Just wanted to show off my first attempt at pairing a percula with an ocy, the male was super small compared to her so I was hesitant but he spent a week in a breeder box interacting together, and have spent 2 weeks now together in the tank and the male doesn’t have a single scratch on him. The...
  2. eislekel

    Is it white infestec spot?

    Hello, I'm quite new here. It's been 2 months since I set up the aquarium. I have 3 percula clownfish (Nearly 3-4 cm) and 1 Cleaner Shrimp in 20 gallons tank. One of my percula got a strange white spot. Is it a bitemark from other perculas or any infection? I separated him from the aquarium...
  3. djm

    Percula Clownfish?

    Hi guys just picked up this little guy this afternoon and was labelled as a percula, I have my doubts and am thinking that it could be a ocellaris. I liked him because of the unusual broken stripe in the middle so am happy with my purchase either way but just interested on what you guys think.
  4. J

    What clownfish is this?

    On the order list its listed as RED Percula. I noticed it has the orange eyes like true percs and also 10 dorsal spines like true percs. The other occys in the shop had the normal more black eyes and the 11 spines. When this fish isn’t stressed out like in the pics, its dark red like a maroon...
  5. baileejo40

    Starting 10 gallon. Can I keep 1 clown and a bta?

    I currently have a 32 biocube, about a year old, but I just started cycling a 10 gallon. Can I keep 1 clown and a bta in the 10 gallon? Also, any lighting recommendations? I was thinking the 50w nicrew or maybe the 100w? Will these support a bta? I am super unsure of trying to keep a bta, this...
  6. M

    Percula or Ocellaris

    Hey guys I got 2 clown fish, and they were both labeled as ocellaris, but when checking out they said that the darker orange one might be a percula. Can anyone help confirm and id these fish?
  7. J

    help id perc or ocellaris?

    two fish in my tank. perc or ocellaris?
  8. B

    Rapid colour change on percula clownfish

    Hi, This is my first post, but I've been observing this forum for a while and it's amazing. I'm fairly new to saltwater and I purchased an already established fluval evo from a friend a couple of months ago. It's been going well, and my water parameters are pH = 8.0, ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0...
  9. BubbleFullOfStars

    Bubble Tip Anemone video

    Hope you night is going well! Check out my Anemone and clowns. Any Nano Anemone tanks out there?
  10. Gayle_the_snail

    Wanted: True Percula Clownfish

    Hello fellow fish-loving friends! I am hoping to set up a new saltwater tank and would LOVE to add some True Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) to the tank (it's already cycled and ready for some fish)! Does anyone know of a reputable source for these guys (I've read that a lot of places...
  11. thunderwolf

    Nano 14 gallon worm eater suggestions

    Below is from a slightly older post but everything still applies plus I added a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp. I have a 14 gallon cube currently with a pair of young percula clownfish (one is probably 2 inches or so and the other might be 1.5ish), as well as several hermit crabs and snails, with...
  12. thunderwolf

    14 gallon nano cube stocking advice

    First off please let me know if this is posted in the wrong place, as it is my first thread on this site. *Coming from freshwater* I have a 14 gallon cube currently with a pair of young percula clownfish (one is probably 2 inches or so and the other might be 1.5ish), as well as several hermit...
  13. yanni

    clowns without a nem

    Hey all! I'm fairly new to this hobby, and have a question. For reference sake, I'll be using the AquaOne Mini Reef 120Litre tank. I've been looking at getting two clownfish, but have been thinking maybe only getting one and then a buddy fish they get along with well. Anyone recommend a fish...
  14. theocorals537

    Wyoming White clownfish spawned!

    Ive had this pair of clowns for about 8 years, i love them as a pet. they have been going crazy at the rocks for a while now and i always thought it was algae they were after. i looked today and saw the male cleaning a big patch of eggs under their rbta! will they hatch in tank? i always dose...
  15. ssavatt

    Clownfish parasite treatment?

    I have a clownfish who has had white stringy poop the last two days. I’m assuming parasites and wondering what my best option is. Considering I’ve only had her for 4 days and she’s still nervous and unsure of her new home I think setting up a qt might do more harm than good. She’s not showing...
  16. D

    Where are the percs? [canada]

    I can't seem to find them anywhere. My local stores all had ocellaris and some fancy variants but no percs since I started the hobby a few months ago. Online retailers have been sold out. Is there something about percs that make them less desirable? I think the small cosmetic differences make...
  17. clown.jpg


    Black onyx Percula - (Amphiprion percula)
  18. TriggersAmuck

    Where to buy H Malus online?

    If I have read correctly, it sounds like H. Malu is better for a smaller tank (based on the anemone's smaller mature size and being more fixed in location in the sand) and *may* host common perculas, am I correct so far? So my next question is if anyone has online recommendations of where to...
  19. Snake132

    What type of clownfish are these ??

    Please help me , I’m trying to determine if these are percula or ocelaris I was told they are both percula but am not sure
  20. Snake132

    Have a clownfish which I thought was percula added another clown now told both are neither perc/ocel

    Basically both the clownfish I have seem like they are Unidentified species to everyone I ask !!!!!!!!!! Pictures are attached for you all to judge Orange one is the new unidentified one Darker one is the old one who is also unidentified ! Hi, I’m very confused and wanting some help with my...
  21. L

    Fish list. Help needed

    Hello do you think that the percula clowns (the 2 that I already had wich are aggressive eaters) Will be able to deal with more aggressive tank mates like the long nose hawk fish, coral bueaty angelfish, and a few cromis (the other fish are the rest of my fish list). And do you think having more...
  22. Adam113

    Build Thread Newbie Biocube 29 Build

    Hello everyone, I am pretty much brand new to the hobby. Here is my thread from when I first got my tank started up. So, here's my story... My dad was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. We got this 29 gallon Biocube for him for...