
  1. E

    Fuge Rites phosphate

    First time posting on reef 2 reef. Been asking for advice from a Facebook good but haven’t had any luck. I have a 75 gallon display with a 18gallon sump. I have a fuge going, but to me the rites and phosphate are still to high. I had .17 on the phosphate and 17.6 on rites. Done a 20% water...
  2. sujcab111

    Hanna low range ammonia checker

    I recently bought a Hanna low range ammonia checker. In the description on how to use, it only references freshwater. Did I buy the wrong one? I have a reef tank. Picture attached
  3. O

    2 weeks into cycling tank

    Two weeks into cycling my tank, it’s never been uglier lol. Brown algae everywhere with hair algae sprinkled in. But my ammonia is below 0.02ppm and these are my current parameters tested with api salt/fresh 5 in 1 test strips. Question is, does it look like so good so far? I’m used to...
  4. Cherub

    zeovit vs triton

    Hey all, Hopefully this is the right place on the forum to ask. I have been using kalk on my ATO and frankly that just doesn’t work for me. It’s completely inconsistent and I can certainly attribute this for random losses on occasion. Last week I lost 2 really nice across due to a spike and I...
  5. Jeremy Lain

    Do protein skimmers take Calium, DKH, and Magnesium out of reef tank?

    Hello, I am wondering if a protein skimmer takes Calcium, DKH, and Magnesium out of a reef tank? I am trying to see if there is a way to keep these things in the water without having to dose so much, as this stuff can get expensive quickly.