
  1. apolsod

    Stocking a 15 gallon

    Have a 15 gallon Waterbox cycling and was thinking about what would be interesting to add. Currently have around 8 pounds of dry rock and 2 pounds of live rock, as well as 10 pounds of live sand. I will eventually be adding corals. Anyone have any suggestions for both corals and or fish. This...
  2. S

    Build Thread Room Divider Peninsula Tank Build

    We bought our house with the basement mostly finished but have remodeled almost everything in the last few years. The basement is long and the different areas never seemed cohesive so I was lucky enough to get my wife on-board for a room divider aquarium! The tank itself is 72x24x30 custom...
  3. Mal11224

    Mike’s 171 gallon Waterbox Peninsula

    So, I ventured into that wonderful world of tank upgrades. I upgraded from my 70g cadlights II tank to a Waterbox 5226 peninsula. I'll be the first to say that it was quite challenging and took me nearly all day to do it. I found myself worrying and stressing during the whole process. But...
  4. L

    Pennisula Builds- some questions

    I am very curious about pennisula builds and would be interested in possibly upgrading to one in the future. I currently have a 120Gallon tank, and while i love it, i am frustrated that the viewing angle is so limited. I do have questions though- what is the minimum width do people think the...
  5. haanstang

    Build Thread Haanstang's 210 peninsula

    So I've been Reefing for about 2 years now and have been planning this build for about 4 years it seems like. I have a 65g tank at the moment with a 30 gallon sump that is too wide for my stand so it's on the floor in the spare room ( soon to be fishroom ). Anyway my new build. The tank is a...
Cultivated Reef