
  1. J

    30 gallon tall-ish fish ideas

    Hello all! I'm looking for some ideas on finishing off stocking my peaceful small reef. Display dimensions are 24"x18"x18". 30 lbs live rock in display, sump with 10 gallon total water volume, refugium and a Reef Octpous Classic 150 skimmer, medium flow and subdued lighting. The tank itself is...
  2. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  3. Karen00

    Need advice in two corals (peaceful?)

    Hello fellow saltines, I'm looking at a couple corals and need help as to whether they are peaceful. I haven't found much information on them and I'm getting conflicting info. I have a small tank with small fish so I need everyone to play nice with each other and no fish eaters. :-) I currently...
  4. Afkomjorgen

    Fish additions to 50 gal clown tank

    I upgraded to a 48 gallon w/ 14gal sump about 6 months ago. Everything is going well except that I can’t keep my nutrient load high enough for my sofies and macro algae. I have leathers,Duncan’s,macros, a scroll coral, and a frogspawn. Current fish/inverts: 2 ocellaris clowns ( 3 yrs old ) 1...
  5. Karen00

    Looking for peaceful coral with small fish

    Hello all, I have a 5g. I'm hoping to get some recommendations on beginner, slower growing, flowy, as peaceful as possible coral but most importantly they must be coral that won't grab my fish for food. My fish are tiny so am I looking for corals that are mostly photosynthetic to make sure my...
  6. GroverCleveland

    Tankmates for longhorn cowfish

    I am upgrading to a Red Sea Reefer 525 XL, I already have a Longhorn Cowfish, green chromis, 2 clowns and a watchman goby. The Cowfish is the king of my tank as far as I’m concerned, but with the big 525 XL I was planning on adding more fish, just would like people’s thoughts on which...
  7. Soren

    Build Thread 125-gallon Peaceful Reef

    Due to acquisition of two Marineland 125-gallon tanks, my build plan has changed significantly. Current plan is to have a 125-reef with a 125-sump with the main chamber for a macroalgae display. Screenshot of 3D-model of current plan (2021-10-04 16:06): [/SPOILER] Kind Regards, Soren
  8. Eva Rose

    Your suggestions Fish Stocking

    I was planning to add a 2nd smaller tank. But I am going to wait another year. So... I would like to add another fish (no aggressive fish) or so to my tank. Suggestions for fish with beautiful color (or pattern) OR fish with lots of personality please. Current stock 300 gal : Bluejaw Trigger...
  9. Eva Rose

    Blenny - Your Experiences

    So I want a peaceful blenny that will nibble on algae on rocks . Omnivore blenny that likes meaty also is fine. Definitely avoid blennies that tend to snap or bite fish that get too close. It would be great to find blenny that prefers rock to sleep in like a Midas. Important: I want it NOT...
Printed Reef - Custom Reef Accessories