patience in reefkeeping

  1. obligatoryreefpun

    Hello Time to Get Serious!

    How do ya do? I'm Mal from Florida! I'll give a quick rundown of myself, but I know you're all more interested in stuff that lives in saltwater. Well, I happen to live pretty close to saltwater, and I'm very frequently on it kayaking! I'd call myself a poly-hobbyist, I simply can't stick to...
  2. Reefkeeping: Patience or Persistence or Something Else?

    Personal Experience Reefkeeping: Patience or Persistence or Something Else?

    From time to time I like to reflect on what I’ve been through during my reefkeeping years. From almost day one of this marvelous hobby, I was told, “You have to have patience” or “If you don’t have patience then you might as well stop." This got me thinking as of late. A good friend of mine...
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