
  1. J

    Marine Velvet?

    I just had a Royal Gramma die after caring for the fish for months with no signs of disease. The fish died within 24 hours after I noticed it acting distressed. After it died, it had what appeared to be the outline of a bite mark on its side, but the bite mark was about five times the size of...
  2. S

    1st day owning question.

    I put my fish in yesterday with some snails and crabs. One fish had normal poo and the other white and stringy. I read that white means parasites. If they both came from the same pet shop and tank wouldn’t they both be infected?
  3. A

    EMERGENCY Parasites or not

    Hi just bought 2 anemones from a local vendor. They were inside a pot. Wanted to remove them in the pot and found these. Looks like a bristle work but don’t know what kind. I did research and it says bristle worms are beneficial to reef aquariums but these look like fire worms isn’t it?? And as...
  4. Lillmoya

    Sargassum refugium?

    Anyone ever try to make refugium using sargassum since it’s so readily available on the beach? What should I treat with to avoid the hitchhikers and icky stuff? I was planning on using paraguard by Seachem for a couple of weeks and letting it grow in a tub before introducing it to the system...
Tropic Marin USA