
  1. markushio40b

    Need help identifying a white parasite

    This morning I woke up to see a bunch of these really small white parasites crawling on the glass of my tank. Not sure what they are or if they need to be treated. Fish are all fine and don’t have any strange spots or markings on them. Fowlr tank that’s been running for almost 3 months. I know...
  2. q.o.kingss

    Powder blue skinny

    I have a small powder blue that eats, but doesn't get any meat on his bones. From top view, he looks like a tadpole. Full belly but skinny body. Ive been trying to give him metroplex on mysis once or twice a day but im not really sure he's eating it, he's shy. He will eat non medicated though...
  3. V

    Clownfish White Poop

    Hey all, Recently I started noticing that both of my clowns had this white stringy poop on them multiple times a day, I researched a bit about it and found out that it might be a symptom of internal parasites. If it actually is parasites or some sort of infection, is it "contagious" to other...
  4. D

    Candy Cane Coral Worm?

    Hi. I’ve had this candy cane Coral for a while now. And recently it’s been developing these worms or some sort of slime on the stalk of it, not sure what it is. There is also those white dots on it aswell. And recently when I was on vacation they have formed everyone on my tank. The back...
  5. D

    EMERGENCY Parasites or Worms?!

    Hi! I’ve had these weird worms on my corals before and these little bubble things on my corals and now they are growing on my rocks. I’m not sure what these are. I was never worried about these until I just saw them right now on my rocks. I will upload a couple of pictures.
  6. ?

    What is this?? Looks like a paly. i have nothing like it in my tank and its particularly odd..

  7. MaraRavenous

    Please help my poor Emerald Crabs....

    Hey everyone, my aquarium has been very healthy and happy for some time and shows consistent improvement... For everyone but my Emerald Crabs. They don't ever seem to shed, have been dropping limbs, and their shells no longer appear bright and green. They are some of my longest cared for reef...
  8. maxemorris

    White worms on glass- is it parasites?

    Can someone help me identify what these are? I appear to have two groups of them. One are little white circular organisms on the front glass, which are much more dense and prevalent, and then I have little white worms on the sides and back wall of the tank. My fish are swimming and appear...
  9. Cantusaurus

    I’m shocked… Dottyback died.. were these the culprit?

    I am shocked. I purchased a small orchid dottyback about 3 weeks ago. Put him in my 5.5 G QT tank. Medicated the tank for the first week and a half and have observed him since. He always looked completely fine. Ate a lot. One mishap was when he got scared and jumped into the hang on back filter...
  10. JayFish4004

    EMERGENCY One of 2 schooling fish won’t eat in quarantine

    I’ve had an eventful last few days to say the least. Ordered 2 longspine cardinalfish from LiveAquaria and on arrival noticed a bit of fin rot and white poop: So I went out and bought my first quarantine tank and treated a few days of Paraguard and a few days after with PraziPro. 9 days...
  11. JayFish4004

    EMERGENCY Internal Parasite or normal?

    I received 2 longspine cardinalfish from LiveAquaria yesterday - they seemed healthy but as I was getting them acclimated I noticed this white stringy poop - which sent me on a tailspin of going out and buying a quarantine tank and now Im trying to figure out where I go from here. Does this...
  12. Adam1985

    Tube Worm in SPS?

    Hi everyone, Do any of you know what this is growing on the bottom of this montipora? Coral isn’t happy, planning a lugol’s dip and slight relocation. Thanks, Adam
  13. Adam1985

    Tube Worm in SPS?

    Hi everyone, Do any of you know what this is growing on the bottom of this montipora? Coral isn’t happy, planning a lugol’s dip and slight relocation. Thanks, Adam
  14. K

    Mushroom flathead coral parasite eating at 'foot stumps' of mushroom coral or normal pedal laceration behavior?

    I have a few month old 3.5 ish gallon tank with one Turbo Snail, a ton of live rock from E-bay (claimed the live rock was cured) and a large mushroom coral frag. The live rock is teaming with life, so it is hard to tell the difference between what is a live rock hitchhiker and what is a...
  15. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  16. TheDuude

    Yellow tang Poo or Parasites?

    I have just over a year old CB Biota tang I purchased from Live Aquaria. He has always had slight HLLE. I feed frozen food soaked in selcon and plenty of Nori. HLLE has not healed but is not getting worse as he ages. Trying to do everything I can to make sure he is healthy as possible. Noticing...
  17. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY Parasites in my tank & How do I setup medicine/qt tank?

    Alright, so I have parasite outbreaks like ich. I am wondering what is the best way to setup a medicine/quarantine tank. I got a Fluval over the back filter and took the carbon out and instead put in zeolite for the ammonia. I also have a heater and airstone. Does the tank itself need to cycle...
  18. P

    Fish not likely to get diseases/parasites

    Just wondering, are there any fish that are less likely/impossible to contract parasite or diseases? I’ve heard that blennies possibly are less susceptible to it maybe?
  19. C

    Diagnosis & Treatment

    I have a 32g Biocube tank with 2 clowns, 2 fire fish and 1 mandarin goby. I have some softies and LPS. For invertebrates, have BTA, cleaner shrimp, crabs, snails. Today, all of a sudden, all but mandarin are flashing. One clown has been periodically hanging near surface of water with rapid...
  20. VanCityReef

    Can you mix copper and prazi?? Clownfish & 6-Line

    Hey guys, I'm currently quarantining two small clownfish and one small 6-line wrasse. Over the course of a week I have slowly been bringing them up to therapeutic levels of copper. I am noticing that both clowns have white stringy poop which, (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) are symptoms...
  21. T

    White poop on established coral beauty

    New reefer here. I’m the relatively new owner of an established tank. It’s got 4 fish, a coral beauty, one spot foxface, cardinal, and blue tang. They’ve all been in the tank a year plus. There have only been a few inverts and coral added the past 3 months. The past day the coral beauty...
  22. Reefer37

    Melanurus Wrasse Ick?

    Hey guys, so I'm still fairly new to reefing and this is my first wrasse and I've never had a parasite issue before, so bare with me. Couple days ago got a Melanurus Wrasse from my LFS and never noticed anything on him when I got him and hadn't noticed any weird behavior at the store. He was...
  23. imanewberry

    Hard Red-Brownish Tube Like Thing Growing From Torch Frag HELP!

    I just bought a new torch coral frag from my LFS that was open and beautiful when purchased. Whenever I got it home and it was closed up, I noticed something hard and dark growing from the skeleton of the coral. The coral is currently in coral dip and I didn’t think to grab a picture before I...
  24. Establishing a Healthy Microbiome in a New Aquarium Using Live Rock

    Sponsored Establishing a Healthy Microbiome in a New Aquarium Using Live Rock

    About this article This article describes an experiment documenting the effects of live rock in a newly established aquarium. While I’ve tried to tell the story as briefly as I can, it’s the story of a month-long study of replicated tanks, with analysis of both water chemistry and the microbial...
  25. MnFish1

    Anecdote vs. reality

    So I was sitting here thinking about some 'maxims' - that are promulgated here often - and wondered - whether they make sense. Note - I'm not criticizing or discounting anecdote - that said - I wonder about some common sayings in the reefing community (which are usually supported by anecdote -...