
  1. shannalea

    Fahaka Puffer- bloated and possible prolapse

    Hello, I read through all the previous threads I could find on this topic and I'm wondering if there is any more specific advice for my freshwater Puffer. I noticed quite a bit of bloating about 2 days ago, decided to give it time and keep watch. It's bloated more on the left side of his...
  2. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY Clownfish spots

    I've had these clowns for a decent while now and noticed they had tiny tiny spots only on their heads I hope it is nothing to stress about but any help would be appreciated You can only see the spots if you look very very closely otherwise just looks like another healthy clown so was just...
  3. T

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Dead another with Red eye.

    Hi R2R, long time lurker so first post! I have a 40 breeder setup and did a fish less cycle. My water parameter I’ll post below (using Red Sea kit). I have about 40 pounds of live (dry) rock in my tank and after my fishless cycle (Brightwell kit) I added 4 small clownfish at the same time. 2...
  4. ElderMillennial

    EMERGENCY Is everything ok with her?

    Just noticed this coloration on my Gem tang I’ve attached some pictures… any ideas if this is not a big deal? She almost looks like she has a coat of velvet. if she does…. Anyone have success treating it? I tried at get as many pictures as possible thank you
  5. Idaknow15

    Clown with stringy poop

    Sorry if the photos aren’t the best but the little bugger won’t stay still! I took on this pair of clowns and the female keeps having really stringy poop but the male is completely fine. She is still eating and behaving normally so I just wondered the best way to treat her or whether to just...
  6. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clownfish is peeling?

    Got 2 clown in qt right now they’ve seemed fine, however today I noticed their skin seems to be peeling and there appears to be some growth in the filter as well. Any ideas as to what this can be or how I should treat this? Attached some photos below.
  7. AustinC63

    White hairs coming off cleaner shrimp? - Parasite? Sickness? Normal? See Pics

    I noticed some white hair like things coming off of my cleaner shrimp today (see photos & video). You can really see it protruding from his legs and tail. Does anyone know if this is normal? I'm afraid it might be a parasite or some sort of sickness but I cant seem to find much information on it.