
  1. milamlucas52

    Are my parameters okay?

    2 and a half months in with my first tank. 13.5 Fluval evo. After I cycled the tank I slowly added a couple fish and coral. 2 clowns Neon goby CUC 2 zoanthid 1 Frogspawn my parameters are Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-40 ph- 7.8 Alkalinity- 8.3 Calcium- 370 Phosphate- 0 I know those aren’t...
  2. Mattc123

    Testing Package Deal Drygoods SOLD Hanna checkers

    I have 5 Hanna checkers for sale. A phosphate ULR, Nitrate LR, pH, alkalinity, and calcium. All are lightly used and in good shape. All have reagant except for the nitrate tester which is out of liquid reagent after the bottle leaked. Looking to sell them as a package or separately. Dm me for...
  3. B

    20 Gallon high phosphates and coral help!

    Hello, I am wanting to hear from some experienced reefers and get some advice on how I should approach this situation. I have noticed in the last 2-3 weeks small changes to my zoanthids, chalice, and overall look of my tank. Specifically, zoas seem to have a few heads close or barely open...
  4. Gabtron92

    I’m running my tank at 82-83 degrees

    I know this is going to be controversial… I have a 13.5 Fluval and I’ve been running it at about 82 degrees. I’ve read that this can help cut down Dino’s growth. It seems to be helping. Any idea what long term effects of this increased temp may be? The corals seem fine but I could be doing...
  5. Nanolifeuk

    Magnesium dropping considerably. Daily dosing!

    I am dosing iquatics kh buffer daily (0.3g) to maintain kh 8.4 Whilst calcium stays steady at 420-400, magnesium is dropping. I am dosing magnesium salt every day to maintain at 1360. Without this it falls to around 1200. Even a water change will lower it to 1290. salt params are way higher...
  6. Nanolifeuk

    Low Alk, mg AND Calcium (&no3)

    Tank isn’t really new (about 14 months) but I’m having a parameter consumption problem. I water change 20L (tank is 60L) Saturday every week. Salt mix is: kh 9.8 mg 1340 , ca 440 Before water change parameters were : Kh 7.0 mg 1200 ca 400 After water change: Kh 8.4 mg 1200 ca 400 24 hours...
  7. B

    Clownfish has rapid mouth movement. I also need help reading api levels…

    Hello all. Happy Saturday. I made a post last Friday. Feel free to look at it. I added fish (clownsthe following day (last sat). Also added the pulsing Xenia and GSP. The fish have done well and we’re eating great. I bought them from the Corner Reef in St. Louis. Not sure if my tank was fully...
  8. R

    Unhappy Hamer coral after parameter swings.

    Hello reefers, My last post somehow ended up without so I am reposting. i have this hammer coral which won’t extend its polyps. Everything else in the tank is opening, but this one is unhappy. Before it was on weaker flow and I tried moving it but that’s not the cause. so what happened is...
  9. TheXpander

    Alk question - some general guidance please….

    Hi all, I have a 40 g sumpless system running a canister filter. The canister is mostly filled with Matrix and has some floss for general waste capture. I’ve recently upgraded from FOWLR to starting with some corals, upgraded the lighting to a Kessill A160 blue. Current stocking is 2 clowns...
  10. Hannahmunt

    Are my parameters ok?

    Last week my alkaline was low at 6.4 22nd: ka-7.9 Mg-1410 Ca-445 today: ka-9.2 Mg-1390 Ca-465 I’ve not been adding anything I’ve just been doing weekly water changes and topping up with ro water when needed.
  11. Gonj


    Bubble algae issue is getting way out of hand, I’ve got 6 emerald crabs in a 50 g display (90g system) and they haven’t made a dent. Manual removal isn’t really an option most of the rock work is covered in coral or fused together with putty making it way too large to pull out. I try to scrape...
  12. Hannahmunt

    Are my parameters ok?

    I’m currently going through the ugly stage and today added a few snails and hermit crabs. As well as a pair of clowns. i currently now have 3 chromis and two clowns. I tested my water and shop said it was fine…but to me the nitrates look to high, I’ve done a 20% water change and will test...
  13. X

    Lepto, Favia, and Cyphastrea Decline - Help Please!

    Hi, we’ve started noticing tissue recession in our 24k lepto and our cyphastrea which were previously doing really well, we also have a favia suddenly missing a chunk. In addition, a lot of our euphilia are not extending like they used to. Anyone seen this before or know what might be the...
  14. J

    Alk dropping and Calcium going up?

    Hey everyone, so I’m trying to stabilize my parameters and get a good dosing schedule going but my calcium keeps rising and my alk keeps dropping pretty fast. I know that they are connected and that’s why that’s happening. My alk is currently around 10 dKH and my calcium 501ppm (trident system...
  15. Carbon Vessel

    My dry rock collapsed - chemistry is BAD!!!

    Hi all, So my chemistry was going well after cycling new tank in December 2021. It was my first aquascape attempt, and was in the middle of the ugly stage so I was doing a clean. During the clean, I knocked the top rock off and it almost crushed my torch and conch snail. Because I didn’t...
  16. A

    The Fluval Evo where all things soft die

    Hi guys! I have had a fluval Evo for nearly a year. My plan was Xenia hell, because who doesn't love a tank with Xenia on every surface and a couple clowns to play in it? Apparently this tank had other ideas. If it is soft, it dies. Soft corals, mushroom coral, xenia, zoas, seahares...
  17. 1Matthew

    LPS dominated tank-Problems

    Hello all! I currently have a 60 gallon reed tank that has been having some problems. I run 2 AI prime lights in my tank and seem to notice a couple things. My acans have not seemed to do very well where the light hits em, however they are encrusted to the actual rock. Also, many of my corals...
  18. Thawman

    Nitrate swings after months of stability

    How/why would my nitrate swing so much throughout the day? And how to correct it? 100 gallon tank, 4 months old, transfer from 2 year old 40 gallon, mostly softy and LPS, few SPS. I attached pictures of the readings. But at times, I have tested NO3 in the course of a day and it can swing from...
  19. Schraufabagel

    Parameter Thoughts?

    My tank has been cycled for over a month. I use Red Sea Coral Pro salt. These are the current parameters. 9.2 dKH 1320-1350 Mg 420 Ca 0.06 phosphate 0.40 nitrate I used Hanna checkers for alk, phos, and nitrate. Mg and Ca are salifert I am going to have macro algae’s and corals in a mixed reef.
  20. Hunter90 HD

    Calcium and Alkalinity Dosing Methods

    Hi All, I am relatively new to reefing but learning a very steep learning curve which has been great fun, now my water parameters are very stable and i am now in a position where i can see my coral nutrient demand, i am looking to 'fine-tune' my dosing. So the past two weeks i have been dosing...
  21. J

    Which parameters do you think need to be or are worth being constantly measured?

    Ive posted here before and Im sorry if im taking too much of your time guys but youve been really helpful. Brief background behind the question is that my bachelor thesis is about designing a smart aquarium. **Some more elaboration on the question:** It doesnt really make sense to have 20...
  22. andiesreef

    Adding Fish and Corals

    So I am starting a 20g reef tank as soon as my cycle finishes. I am planning on the following stocking: - 1 ocellaris clownfish - 1 cardinalfish or royal gramma - 1 small blenny or goby maybe paired with a shrimp - 1 small wrasse if i can find one (pink-streaked or possum, or perhaps even a...
  23. Accidentalreefers

    Large amount of Alk consumption

    Hey, so here are my parameter's Alkalinity 7.0 calcium - 430 magnesium - 1300 phosphate - 0 PH- 7.8-8.0 ammonia - 0 Salinity 1.025 I'm using a Hanna Alk checker for my Alk readings. This is my issue my tank isn't that loaded, mainly softies and LPS (mainly smaller frags), i have a birds nest...
  24. A

    Cycling Water Test Results Help

    Hey Guys, I’ve been cycling my tank for about 2-3 weeks now and I did my first water test without the help of my LFS today. My results were: Salinity: 1.024 Temp: 25 Degrees Celsius dKH: 7 dKH pH: 8.6 Ammonia: 0 - 0.1 Nitrite: About 0.5 Nitrate: Between 10 & 20 What are your thoughts on where...
  25. Carebearsss.x

    Alkalinity REALLY high

    Hello! We just checked the parameters on our tank and the alkalinity is extremely high! The DKH is at 14 While looking online, my boyfriend and I seen that you can dose vinegar into your tank to lower your alk? Is this a good idea? If so, how much do I add? Pls help :) I’m still trying to...