par values

  1. DeepSeaRob17

    Fluval flex 32.5 with AI Hydra 26

    I have a question... I do t have a PAR meter handy, but wondering if anyone has done this yet (I’m sure someone has) I had a friend give me an AI Hydra 26, I put it over my fluval flex 32.5. The dimensions of the tank are 32”L x 15.5w x 15.65” deep. The light is 14” off the top of the water. I’m...
  2. tippin.turtle

    How high is your T5's

    I wanted to ask those who run T5's just how high is your fixtures from the water surface and what are your PAR values as you descend into the depths? I know that PAR readings will be different with variables such as bulb type, age, and type of reflector used. However, I would think it safe to...
Geo's Reef