par meter compare

  1. ajtomase

    Par measurement suggestions (Vivid Aquariums vs. Tidal Gardens)

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to plan my first LPS dominant system and I've been doing researching on corals, especially when it comes to par measurements. I saw the these two company give par recommendations for all their corals, but they couldn't be any more different. Has anyone used either of...
  2. Adam Baggett

    PAR levels for a 30 inch tank

    OK, So I have my new PAR meter coming tomorrow and I was wondering where my PAR should be? My tank is a 300 US Gallon 48 x 48 x 30. I want to start keeping LPS/SPS and Softies. I have 4 Rapid LED Oynx fixtures that are dimmable and they are controlled by my Apex, so I do ramp them up and down...
  3. L

    Does anyone have a par meter?

    I would like to sanity check my meter against your meter. I go into Boston at least once a week. Andy
Reef Chasers Aquaculture