
  1. 1stPhantom

    Coralife Seascape Mini LED Aqualight, 12"-18

    Hi so I got the light and was wondering peoples experience with it and what you suggest height of the light on a standard 10g lid tank? There’s a plexiglass strip on the Lid as long as the tank and 4-6inches wide(or should I get rid of it ). Also what would u put the in intensity and light...
  2. CompulsiveFragCollector86

    Lighting for 40 Breeder Mixed Reef Hydra32hd X2 !

    So my tanks been running for over a year now recently switched from 2X16hdPrimes too 2XHYDRA32S. I have 3DReefing diffusers as well just to feel a little safer persay about not burning my corals like I did in the beginning of joining the hobby, and I upgraded my lights so that there would be no...