
  1. TinyFish

    Zoas and Palys

    Has anyone ever had any experience with palytoxin from a Zoa or Paly? I’ve heard and read about it and it seems to be pretty nasty but i’m not sure what the actual risk is.
  2. Lebowski_

    What are the most dangerous aspects of this hobby?

    Many of us have heard of a Palytoxin (If you haven’t, read this). Lionfish and urchin toxicity is also pretty widely known about. Corals and anemones have stung people badly enough to cause numbness, pain and scarring. Water and electricity…drip loops people! What are some other risks which...
  3. K

    EMERGENCY Palytoxin Poisoning

    Hello I’m nee here because it’s actually my husbands hobby but I’m freaking out so any advice welcome. Earlier today he removed a large rock with these zoas on. He broke the rock as it came out and we didn’t think anything of it until about 2hours later his eye started to burn and itch. It...
  4. W

    How long does palytoxins last in water?!

    Just removed a frag of nuclear green palys after finding out how toxic and invasive they were. One was stuck to the rock pretty good so I pulled on it and it excreted brown juice which I believe to be the toxins. I took out all that I could in the water but that process stressed me the f out...
  5. T

    Palytoxin: Can dissolving Palythoa release the toxin?

    Hello, I have around 21kg of love rock heavily covered in Palythoa (seems that it's most likely the dangerous specie). I would like to put it all into a sump, without lighting and wait until it dissolves. Would it endanger myself and my livestock? Of course Activated Carbon will be used all...
  6. F

    Emergency what happened to my hand

    I recently started working at an LFS with a 350 gallon reef display. I was scraping algae prior to a water change and hit my finger on the rock, drawing blood. Since then my finger has been slowly increasing and decreasing in pain which is kind of just dull and achey, but then when it gets wet...
  7. philfree

    Possible Palytoxin exposure?

    So i'll try to be as succinct as possible Earlier today around 2:55pm PST, I had irresponsibly ripped/lifted out of tank (what I believe to be) Zoanthid colonies off of rock to transfer to another tank. My total handling time was no more than 5 mins, and the 4 handfuls of zoa were exposed to...
  8. Hannahmunt

    palytoxin Info

    So, I’ve got a few Zoas in my tank and I wasn’t aware of the deadly toxin they can release… I’ve been using tongs to move and position the rock of zoas. Last night I had a panic attack thinking I may have given myself poisoning as I’ve been messing about with them. when do the zoas release the...
  9. C

    Are magician Zoas palythoa

    Hi so I am wondering if magician zoa would be palythoa or zoanthus also I have mixed things on the toxicity of zoanthus. Are zoanthus containing high levels of palytoxin or no
  10. SlugSnorter

    I don't understand zoas, can someone explain their view on them?

    I hear they can grow pretty fast, and have palytoxin. I don't understand why they are super popular given those facts, But im perfectly willing (and wanting) to hear some else view on the matter (Please don't get SALTY (pun intended) this is just my view, I never said it was a fact or you need...
  11. F

    I think I poisoned myself, help

    HI. I am, by every definition of the word, a total noob. I've had my first ever salt tank running for a month now and today I bought my first ever corals, 3 zoa frags from my LFS. I brought em home, did my daily water change, and then prepared to dip them. I put on nitrile gloves, a KN95 mask...
  12. kalmanb0y

    Can Stressed Zoas Release Palytoxins?

    I'm a first time reefer, and yesterday I gave my first two zoa frags a 30 sec 3% hydrogen peroxide dip, which nuked the algae on the plugs, but they didn't seem to enjoy it very much, and are now, a day later, only about 2/3 opened back up. Also, last night, my clown fish mysteriously...
  13. KM Wrasse

    Toxic Palay

    I wanted to know if anyone can identify these palays that are starting to spread In my tank. Are these the very toxic variety? If so ,I want to make sure I keep them contained and not allow them on my main rock structure. Thanks
  14. WhiteAlba


    Good Afternoon All I have always kept far away from zoas because off the risk of palytoxin, but am really wanting to change my thoughts about zoas. What is everyone's thoughts about the topic and what everyone does to protect themselves? Thanks All
  15. Cyclone-G

    Paly Eradication and Palytoxin Safety Tips

    Just posted up this video after getting poisoned by the Palytoxin.
  16. Cherry Bomb

    Shot in the eye with Paly juices :/

    The one time I didn’t wear my freakin glasses! Those things have amazing aim. Right in the eye with a good amount of juice. ;Blackeye Ripped of my gloves and ran for the sink where I flushed my eye out by hand with tap water. Was experiencing some mild stinging and eye lid twitching. Stinging...
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