
  1. G

    New flagtail grouper

    I have just gotten a flagtail grouper I was wondering why he was pale he was a bright red then when I put him in the tank after a hour he started turning pale is it because of him trying to blend in or is he stressed or is their too much flow in the tank
  2. A

    Azure damsel looking pale

    So I bought an azure damselfish on Monday, and he is currently in QT. However, since I put him in he’s been looking quite pale and acting quite shy. I haven’t seen him eat any pellets whenever I drop them in (so maybe it’s time to drop in some frozen mysis that’s in my freezer lol). Even so, he...
  3. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Fish pale from stopping copper or antibiotics?

    So my little guy here is a foxface and i was doing normal quarantine procedure (was in the middle of copper treatment) when his fin rot started getting worse. He had fin rot when he arrived. So i stopped the copper and started furan2. Hes still eating a lot but now he turned so pale. He looked...
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