pajama cardinal

  1. FishAreCool

    Pajama Cardinalfish Question

    Could one pajama cardinalfish go in a 16 gallon biocube?
  2. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  3. N

    Pajama Cardinal Fin Rot/Erosion

    This is my Pajama Cardinal, Fred. I have him in a Fluval Evo with a mild-mannered ocellaris, a barnacle blenny, and a small peaceful CUC. No stinging corals, just those basic orange/green zoas, gsp, and a mushroom. No protein skimmer per se, but I do have a cheap little surface skimmer. Also, no...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Biocube 32 led stocking ideas

    I’ve been running a nanocube or biocube for 7 years now. In that time I’ve had an engineer goby (who just passed at age 10 and nearly 2ft long) and a four stripe damsel the whole time. A Madagascar clownfish, green corris wrasse, and coral beauty angel have all passed through. I had to get rid...
  5. F

    Banggai and Pajama Cardinal hybrid

    Okay, I am totally new to this forum but have a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium and a totally interesting situation! I have a banggai and pajama cardinal and didn't even think them breeding was possible or likely, but my banggai cardinal has been acting strange- not eating, staying in a corner...
  6. LB Dantzler

    Help picking out new fish

    My wife and I have a 55 gallon fish only tank. So far we have a pair of clowns, a blue spotted puffer, and a pair of cardinals. We had a flame angel but she started going after one of the cardinals so we took her back. Now were in the market for another fish or two to complete our tank. With...