pacific northwest reefers

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    Dealing with Diatom and/or Dino

    Hi Folks, New to reefing here with my 60G tank only 4 months old. I've been dealing with what looks like to me both Diatom and Dino (likely competing). I've shared some pics here. I have been removing the brown algae (furry texture so likely diatom) from the rocks, and it was manageable for a...
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    Detritus or Algae or Bacteria

    I am new to Saltwater/Reefing. Just setup/cycled my first tank (~65-gallon Red Sea Reefer). Tank is fairly empty right now with some live rock and two clown fishes. Tank still has some nitrates (25ppm) and very minor traces of phosphates. These are essentially remains from tank cycling (even...