
  1. A

    Sump Aeration. Multi-Venturi Aerator by GrowGreenie

    Wanted to share a new method for achieving high dissolved oxygen levels in aquarium sumps. This Multi-Venturi is extremely quiet compared to a traditional venturi getting rid of the loud suction sound. For those Aquarists who struggle to achieve high dissolved oxygen levels or who are tired of...
  2. B

    Ammonia poisoning or low oxygen?

    Hi so I got my first 2 clowns in my tank today of 90 gallons. But every so often only ONE of the Clowns will go to the surface and grab air OCCASIONALLY, the other one swims and explores. Normally they swim like nothing wrong. if I get too close they dart to the bottom so I had to record from...
  3. L

    Not a pressing medical emergency, but…

    I’ve always wondered why every time I clean my aquarium, when I pour the new water after siphoning, my fish always swim towards it? Maybe it has something to do with oxygenation? My filter is pretty big for the tank size but I find it weird that even though fish are scared by strong currents of...
  4. Herides

    Low pH of 7.8, despite perfect alkalinity and surrounding oxygen. Help!

    Hey guys, According to my Seneye Reef, my pH is at 7.8 and has been dropping for a while until now, not dramatically but over a long period of time and seems to be settling at 7.8. I've been testing my alkalinity during this process and my alkalinity comes out at more often around 3 Meq/L...
  5. Chowder3

    Next steps with tank after all fish die?

    Hi everyone! So on Monday night all my fish died except my electric blue hermit crab. So sad. My tank was established on May 10th of this year. I was doing the BRS 5 minute video set up. So far so good ~no issues until now. In my tank we’re 2 pairs of clown fish and the blue hermit crab. Monday...
  6. Evan28395950


    Hello all, I completed the 48hrs of chemiclean treatment. I did around a 20% wc, and added carbon. I still have two airdromes running. Can I pull them out now?
  7. Mwag

    Royal Gramma Stressed out????

    Hello all, yesterday I naught a Royal Gramma from my LFS. I floated him for 15 mins and every 4 mins I put half a cup of water from my qt tank into the bag. By this time, the Royal Gramma was significantly stressed darting back and forth in the bag but he settled down. I added him to qt tank and...
  8. J

    PH Raise experiment

    Last night I decided to do an experiment on trying to raise the PH. It currently peaks at 8.06 every night when the lights reach their 10 hour peak. I already run a skimmer hooked up to an external air pump which is located outside already. So I brought in a second skimmer pump from a vertex...