
  1. His Coral Highness

    Skimmers Being "Too Powerful"

    I'm moving in the next few weeks and will use that as a good excuse to upgrade my 75 gallon tank from a canister filter to a sump system. I've got a 29 gallon tank and a few other pieces of equipment and now I'm looking into in-sump skimmers. I read somewhere that you can get a skimmer that is...
  2. Sub-Z3ro

    Oversizing a Stand

    So normally a stand is built to mirror the rim of the tank. I plan on upgrading later on and I know the size I want to upgrade to. Right now I am in the process of setting up a 40B (36X18) but my end goal will be a 80gal deep blue rimless (48X24). I am buying most of the equipment with the 80 in...
Frag Farm