
  1. MadeForThat

    Fixing an EB832 with non-functional outlets but does have functional indicator lights

    CAUTION- I am not liable for any damages to your person or property. This is offered as a possible solution to an electrical problem, and with this territory comes risk to your health and property that may not be directly mentioned. You should only attempt this repair if you are sure of your own...
  2. smartwater101

    PC computer fans to wall outlet. How many?

    CRJ DC 12v Power Supply: https://www.amazon.com/CRJ-Power-Supply-4-Pin-Computer/dp/B071FNN9W7/ I have several fans left over from old PC builds. Most are Noctua, NZXT, and a several Corsair. I also have more than enough extensions and splits. but I'm not sure how many fans I can chain to...
Top Shelf Aquatics