orphek icon

  1. Hydrored

    Texas Lighting Drygoods 7 Orphek Icons Sold

    7 Orphek Icons used about 8 months, purchased direct from Orphek late January. Located in McKinney Texas. Xxxxxxx for all 7
  2. C

    Help setting light up

    Just bought 3 of the smaller Orphek lights using the icon app what’s the best settings for the lights to work best I have a mixed reef 180 gallon tank
  3. MichaelP121579

    Build Thread 80 Shallow build

    Just showing my build. It's a Glass Cages 48x24x16 Custom Stand Equipment 2 Orphek Icon Compacts Reef Octo V2 Return Reef Octo Regal 150 Skimmer Bashsea Signature Series Sump 2 MP40 QD Apex Trident *** Dos ATK Redsea 4 Head Doser 25W Uv Tank went online Dec 16 2021
Aquatic Life TDS Pen Offer