
  1. bmelvin20

    New sticks arrived from HGR!

    Received some sticks today from HGR! (Homegrownreefer)Literally ordered last night around 6pm and received them today at 11am! Everything came in happy and healthy. Good sized frags with their polyps out before I even took them out of the bag! Can’t wait to place another order!! Very Highly...
  2. B

    Stocking list - sugested order

    Hello, what do you all think about this stocking list? What order would you stock? Is there anything you wouild leave out or add? Tank is new this is for future reference. 116 gallon corner bowfront with 20 gallon sump. LPS/softie tank Yellow tang Foxface 4 clowns Nem 6 line wrasse Royal...

    What order should I add these fish?

    What order should I add these fish (obviously not getting all, just want to know) Rainfordi Goby (pair) Purple dottyback Ruby Red Dragonet Cardinal (3) Exquisite & Red Firefish Starry Blenny Royal Gramma Red Fromia Starfish Tailspot Blenny Chalk Bass Green Dragonet/mandarin Goby Sea...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar