orange mushroom

  1. Orange Raunchy Bounce Mushroom

    For sale North Carolina Orange Raunchy Bounce Mushroom

    If you love bounces, this Orange Raunchy Bounce Mushroom is a must-add to your collection! It has phenomenal bubbling and unique coloration that's hard to find in other bounces. We've had a colony of these for a while and this is the last one available that we posted so act fast because it might...
  2. Lylelovett

    First mushroom - tips?

    Hi all, So I have an orange mushroom. Nothing fancy, just a $10 frag, the thing is between the size of a nickel and a quarter... I've had it for over a month - it's not growing and it's not shrinking... it just seems to "be". :) The tank is a 5x2x2. The mushroom is placed near the...
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