oklahoma city

  1. Coopdod50

    40 gallon frag setup

    Hello everyone, I'm starting this thread to help myself out a bit. I've got a Cobalt Aquatics CVue 40 that I'm not using at the moment and I decided to set it up as a frag tank. I won't actually be setting it up until I move from my dorm room to an actual house so I won't have to move it. I'm...
  2. HmoneyReefOkc

    Monster Build NoCoast Reef- 1,400+ gallons in The Heartland

    Reef brought to life by Custom Reef Creations out of Moore,Oklahoma. Build in progress.... Display Tank by Planet Aquariums. 909 gallons. 13.5’, 36”, 36” Primary Sump by Custom Reef Creations. 8’ long. 200+ gallons. Secondary Sump for rock benthic zone from HighDef Corals. 400+ gallons...