oddball fish

  1. seafarer's.reef

    walking batfish friend

    Recently bought a walking batfish at the fish store, been wanting one for years. I have a plan to get it eating, however, has anyone else had experience with one? Would be cool to learn something I've maybe overlooked for greater success.
  2. Nutramar Foods

    The Pacific Pearlfish (Carapus dubius) Video

    The Pacific Pearlfish (Carapus dubius) is a very unique and odd species! They are known to inhabit the body cavities of pearl shells, pen shells, Laevicardium cockles and sea cucumbers, which is a sight to see! In house, we are feeding them our Nutramar live Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp)...
  3. seafarer's.reef

    blue boxfish

    Just bought an adult male blue boxfish (Ostracion meleagris). Was not eating in the store, decided to pull the $200 trigger anyways. Fortunately I have aged live rock which he is actively grazing on. Starting to show interest in fish foods.
  4. FishAreCool

    Oddball Fish

    What are some easy to care for, reef safe, oddball fish that can fit in a 16 gallon biocube.