octo aquatics

  1. Chipper1978

    Marginalis Butterfly and Yellow Tang

    So I will be receiving my new Marginalis Butterfly this Friday from TSM Aquatics (love this place). They told me he is eating very well and my only concern is my Yellow Tang. Tank is 4 feet. Marginalis is 5-6 inches and Yellow Tang is 4-5 inches, so I'm hoping the tang's slightly smaller size...
  2. C

    Refugium Question - Red Sea Reefer 170 Baffle kit from OctoAcquotics

    I am thinking of buying the Octo Aquatics Red Sea Reefer 170 baffle kit to divide the sump where the skimmer sits into a refugium on one side. https://octoaquatics.com/product/sump-baffle-kit/ Question 1: which side should I make the refugium, and which side should I make the skimmer? (Picture...
  3. cromag27

    anthopleura fuscoviridis "antho fusco” aka covid nem

    i'm very excited to have received these two specimens today. i'm not sure how many are still alive here in the u.s. and i was just told there may be no more coming in, as well. we'll see how they do. they are currently housed in a biocube 32g with two clownfish, one starry blenny, one cleaner...
  4. reefdoink

    Hello Hello, From Indiana

    Hello R2R members, For starters I am pretty new to saltwater but have been involved in some basic freshwater setups in the past. My current setup is a work in progress. Equipment list so far: DT / Sump: 60 gal marine land (4 ft long 12 7/8 wide and about 2 ft tall) Bashea 30-14-16 Sump...
  5. BlueBuddha

    Had to get a lid! (Octo Aquatics)

    Hi all, I have an Innovative Marine SR-60 and really love it. It’s my display tank. I have the stock lid and it worked for a while. The issue is the stock lid leaves a decent gab around the rim. I lost two gobies because they jumped out! Squeezed right through the gap. A yasha and a Dracula...
Coral Frenzy