
  1. taylormaximus

    Should I separate my clownfish?

    So I just got two young Ocellarus clowns, both very small but one significantly bigger, and they're still in QT at the moment (I've been doing tank transfer). They'll be ready for the 32 gallon display tank by May 2 at the soonest since they haven't shown any symptoms of anything so far and are...
  2. J

    Clownfish won’t eat!

    Bought a WC ocellaris last week. Its 3 inches long pretty big already but it wont swallow any pelleted food. It will eat the pellets then spit it right out. I had smaller WC clowns do this previously but would eat my pellets on the 2nd-3rd day. This one won’t budge. Its not thin so im not...
  3. S

    Help me make transgenic clownfish

    Hello all, I work in a university laboratory where we study the mechanisms behind sex change in clownfish, our latest project involves making transgenic clownfish which has stumped us for over a year. We have injected hundreds of thousands of eggs and have produced a single transgenic...
  4. vaguelyreeflike

    Picasso Onyx Percula X Blacker Ice Ocellaris Pair

    Just wanted to show off my first attempt at pairing a percula with an ocy, the male was super small compared to her so I was hesitant but he spent a week in a breeder box interacting together, and have spent 2 weeks now together in the tank and the male doesn’t have a single scratch on him. The...
  5. djm

    Percula Clownfish?

    Hi guys just picked up this little guy this afternoon and was labelled as a percula, I have my doubts and am thinking that it could be a ocellaris. I liked him because of the unusual broken stripe in the middle so am happy with my purchase either way but just interested on what you guys think.
  6. mosj

    Need help IDing internal parasite/fungal infection in a small Ocellaris

    Tank is 10g, about 6 months old. 2 Ocellaris (this one being a young male), BTA, a few softies and a small cleanup crew (peppermint, couple of hermits, turbos, ceriths). Amonia and nitrites @ 0, ~20% water change every 2 weeks. It's my first reef tank. A few days ago I noticed that this black...
  7. M

    Percula or Ocellaris

    Hey guys I got 2 clown fish, and they were both labeled as ocellaris, but when checking out they said that the darker orange one might be a percula. Can anyone help confirm and id these fish?
  8. seanemone

    First time seeing these marks on Ocellaris

    Hey all, I've had a new ocellaris for a couple weeks now in a 30gallon, tank parameters were stable and everything seemed to be going fine. I recently started seeing this open sore, next to hypermelanization from my BTA which I noticed the day before the sore, does anyone have any clue what...
  9. Dad2Wyatt

    Designer clownfish ID?

    Ordered a black ocellaris for $40 and LFS ordered the wrong thing. They refunded me $20 for the mixup and I came home with this dude and curious what it might be? someone said frostbite but I haven’t seen a frostbite with black fins?
  10. J

    help id perc or ocellaris?

    two fish in my tank. perc or ocellaris?
  11. jingles1834

    Can I place a bigger clownfish with a smaller one

    I am currently trying to put a new ocellaris clown into my 20g tank. I had two clownfish before, but one died, so this is the replacement. However, the new clownfish is approx 3 inches, while the clown I already have is about 1.5 inches. I’m worried about putting them together and having the big...
  12. I

    Clownfish won't host anything?

    I have a 10 gallon mixed reef with two adorable captive-bred Ocellaris Clowns (purchased from my local Petco), and so far, everything's gone smoothly with them. However, my they seem to be disinterested in being hosted by anything. I had an orange tip BTA for awhile and they wouldn't touch it...
  13. Gonj

    Clownfish ID

    Bought these clowns at my lfs, I think they were in the wrong tank because the name outside of it did not match what they look like, can anyone help me id? Thanks! Pics below :)
  14. yanni

    clowns without a nem

    Hey all! I'm fairly new to this hobby, and have a question. For reference sake, I'll be using the AquaOne Mini Reef 120Litre tank. I've been looking at getting two clownfish, but have been thinking maybe only getting one and then a buddy fish they get along with well. Anyone recommend a fish...
  15. yanni

    Help with a clown and nem tank

    Hey everyone! I need a bit of help choosing the correct tank size for my ocellaris clownfish. I’ve got the options to pick between a 96Litre (25G US) and a 120L (31G US) tank. I’d normally always go the bigger sized tank, but I’ve found an amazing deal on some new preowned equipment which...
  16. yanni

    Tank size help

    Hey everyone! I need a bit of help choosing the correct tank size for my ocellaris clownfish. I’ve got the options to pick between a 96Litre (25G US) and a 120L (31G US) tank. I’d normally always go the bigger sized tank, but I’ve found an amazing deal on some new preowned equipment which...
  17. Unnatural

    Hello It's me!

    Hi! My name is Rosie, I'm a paramedic student. I have a golden retriever named peanut. I've had freshwater tanks/fish in the past, but ever since I lived in Okinawa, Japan I've wanted a saltwater tank. Until now it has been out of my price range. I just started a 'nano' reef tank. It currently...
  18. BrieFoster

    Ocellaris clownfish mouth open, not eating

    I need some help/advice. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns together, only fish in their tank which they have been in for almost 2 years together, nothing new has been added, no anemone, no change in foods, water parameters are well within the norm. My female is not doing great, her mouth seems...
  19. Lillmoya

    Temp & Drip Acclimating Simultaneously

    I bought my first marine fish yesterday, a beautiful pair of ocellaris clowns! One yellow and one a picture perfect Nemo orange. I’d had plenty of freshwater fish in the past, but this being my first marine fish... needless to say I was nervous. I didn’t have a container to drip acclimate them...
  20. D

    Where are the percs? [canada]

    I can't seem to find them anywhere. My local stores all had ocellaris and some fancy variants but no percs since I started the hobby a few months ago. Online retailers have been sold out. Is there something about percs that make them less desirable? I think the small cosmetic differences make...
  21. Micaeltercer

    Ritteri Concern w/ Photo

    Hey guys, I recently purchased a massive Ritteri Anemone from my LFS. This guy is huge and has a purple brownish base and tentacles With purple tips. Now, this anemone has been in someone’s tank for a few years and then the LFS bought it for credit and has had it for a month. My concern is...
  22. mattybecks

    Allardi feeding Ocellaris to anemone

    Pretty brutal. My two Allardi's attacking my two ocellaris clowns. You can see in the video how he keeps ramming him into the anemone. (sorry for the vertical filming, it wasn't me but my girlfriend who took it) I was out the country when this happened. The Ocellaris survived 10 days with this...
  23. T

    Larger aggressive clownfish vibrating

    Hi guys, I have two ocellaris clownfish. One black/white and regular one. Black is smaller and always being attacked and trapped in the corner.I have never seen him vibrate. The aggressor sometimes vibrates. From what I have read the black one should eventually start submitting and the...
  24. mattybecks

    Mixing clownfish species

    Hi Guys, I was just wondering if anyone has had success in mixing clownfish species. Like 2 x Ocellaris and 1 x Clarkii for instance? I know maroons are little demons and not likely to work. I have heard and read mixed reports about this. If you have done this, could you please also state...
  25. TroyClark

    Which Anemone to get?

    I think I am ready for a Nem. My tank is a year old +-. 35 hexagon but moving all to an in wall 120 in the next 2-3 months following basement construction. Have mushroom, Kenya tree and toadstool leather coral frags growing. Two clownfish (one ocellaris and one blood orange hybrid). Temp...
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